Ressource Leveraging Data and Partnerships: Strengthening Girls' Education in Emergencies with WROs In 2021, EM2030 and its partners, looked at how to strengthen the equitable and coordinated provision of education for girls and women in Kenya and Burkina Faso. The result was research and advocacy that aimed to make the education systems of both countries more data-driven and gender-responsive. This report details the experiences, findings, and recommendations encapsulated in our work.
Blog Celebrating Gender and EiE Achievements: 2021 in review This blog summarizes INEE’s work on gender in 2021 and invites members to engage with INEE on gender!
Blog Celebrando los logros en materia de género y EeE: balance de 2021 Este blog resume el trabajo de la INEE en materia de género a lo largo de 2021 e invita a sus miembros a colaborar con la INEE en este ámbito
Blog Célébrer les réalisations en matière de genre et d'ESU : bilan de l'année 2021 Ce blog résume le travail de l’INEE sur le genre en 2021 et invite les membres à se mobiliser avec l’INEE sur le genre !
Ressource Many Ways of Being Sex Education Curriculum An inclusive, youth-centered sex ed curriculum focused on gender equity, healthy relationships, & safer sex practices.
Ressource Gender-Responsive Return to School “post” COVID-19: Perspectives from the Field This webinar highlighted gendered barriers to returning to the school “post” COVID-19 and shared ways in which programs have adapted to overcome those barriers.
Ressource Equality of Opportunity for Sexual and Gender Minorities This publication, the first in a series of studies, will be expanded from the 16 countries included to a wider set of countries for more in-depth quantitative analysis and to identify possible correlations with socioeconomic outcomes. It will seek to deepen knowledge, facilitate peer learning of good practices, and encourage reforms to increase the inclusion of sexual and gender minorities.
Ressource Making all spaces safe This paper serves as an alarm bell for the international community, digital and feminist movements, private technology companies and national Governments to act in unison to end the rising scourge of technology-facilitated gender-based violence.
Evènement Gender-Responsive Return to School “post” COVID-19: Perspectives from the Field This webinar highlighted gendered barriers to returning to the school “post” COVID-19 and shared ways in which programs have adapted to overcome those barriers.