Blog Appel à contributions : Journal on Education in Emergencies [Appel à contributions] Le Journal on Education in Emergencies (JEiE) recherche des articles de recherche théorique et empirique et des notes de terrain éclairantes qui traitent d'outils ou d'approches innovantes dans le domaine de l'éducation en situations d'urgence pour une publication en 2023. Date limite de soumission : 31 janvier 2023.
Ressource The impacts of earthquake disaster on educational accessibility, affordability and continuity in Nepal The study has explored how resourceless household struggle with their kid’s education accessibility, especially in earthquake disasters scenario in Gorkha Nepal. The research paper has explored existing education accessibility issues of pupils in the landless community.
Blog Using Measurement Library tools to inform programming: A case study from Right to Play in Burundi and Tanzania In Burundi and Tanzania, Right to Play is using the International Social and Emotional Learning Assessment (ISELA), a validated measurement tool developed by Save the Children.
Ressource The ALiVE Way: Contextualizing the Measurement of Life Skills and Values in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda There are four main steps in the ALiVE contextualization approach: 1) Prioritizing the competencies in context; 2) Understanding the skills in context; 3) Developing tools in context; and 4) Defining the assessment process in context.
Blog Call for Evidence and Learning: Strengthening crisis and risk-related data and institutional education information systems We are thrilled to announce UNESCO’s second call for evidence and learning on strengthening education information systems and improved data in emergencies and protracted crises (EiEPC).
Ressource Navigating Ethical Dilemmas in Education in Emergencies (EiE): A Compendium of Vignettes for Research & Practice In conducting program, research, and/or evaluation activities in the EiE field, individuals may find themselves unprepared to address the ethical dilemmas that inevitably arise in these settings. To bridge this gap, a group of researchers, practitioners, and graduate students curated a collection of 18 short vignettes based on the real-life challenges and ethical dilemmas they faced.
Ressource 2021/2 GEM Gender Report: Deepening the debate on those still left behind The 2022 Gender Report presents fresh insights on progress towards gender parity in education with respect to access, attainment and learning. It showcases the results of a new model that provide coherent estimates, combining multiple sources of information, on completion rates.
Ressource 2021/2 Informe sobre género: Profundizar en el debate sobre quienes todavía están rezagados El Informe sobre género de 2022 aporta nuevas ideas sobre los avances registrados en pos de la consecución de la paridad de género en la educación con respecto al acceso, los logros y el aprendizaje.
Ressource 2021/2 Rapport sur l'égalité des genres: Approfondir le débat sur les enfants et les jeunes encore laissés de côté Le Rapport sur l'égalité des genres 2022 présente des enseignements récents sur les progrès réalisés en matière de parité entre les genres dans l’éducation au regard de l’accès, de la réussite et de l’apprentissage.
Ressource Delivering Quality Research in Culturally Dynamic, Conflict-Affected Contexts: Lessons From Large-Scale Pilot Research in Cox’s Bazar In this brief, we outline the process and strategies used throughout to provide context and a path forward for future researchers to deliver quality research in this, and other, complex research environments with the ultimate goal of informing the types, design, and delivery of services to support families and foster resilience in these contexts for generations to come.