Ressource فرصة ضائعة: توفير التعليم لليافعين المتسربين من المدرسة في حالات الطوارئ وآماكن الأزمات طويلة الأمد. في حالات الطوارئ والأزمات الممتدة، تظهر فجوة كبيرة في ميدان التعليم بالنسبة لليافعين الذين لم يلتحقوا بالمدارس. تركز دراسة NORCAP هذه على فحص نقص الفرص التعليمية المتاحة لهؤلاء الأفراد.
Ressource Promising Practices in Teacher Management, Professional Development, and Wellbeing This publication provides donors, policymakers, practitioners, researchers, and teachers with compelling examples of programs and practices that positively influence improvements in teachers’ work conditions and teaching practice.
Ressource World Education Forum 2015 Final Report This summary report is based on the proceedings of the World Education Forum organized at Incheon, Republic of Korea, from 19 to 22 May 2015.
Ressource Education and Conflict Review: Theories and conceptual frameworks in education, conflict and peacebuilding This special issue of Education and Conflict Review attempts to assemble theories and conceptual frameworks that are dispersed across a wide array of academic publications and often inaccessible to those who need them the most, particularly to the education and conflict researchers and practitioners in low-income contexts.
Ressource Data Use for Program Improvement: A Framework and Toolkit How can we better link data and its use to improve our programs’ outreach, outcomes, impact, and cost efficiency? This document seeks to address this question by providing a program implementation quality (PIQ) framework, examples, and practical tools for program managers and other staff to enhance the use of data for program improvement.
Ressource 20º aniversario de la INEE: Logros y desafíos en la educación en situaciones de emergencia Este informe, que marca el 20.º aniversario de la INEE, proporciona nuevos datos sobre el número de niños, niñas y jóvenes afectados por la crisis en todo el mundo, a quienes hoy se les niega el derecho a la educación.
Ressource Case Studies on Addressing Early Childhood in Three Host Country Contexts The report further recommends that ECD donors and advocates partner with governments to build capacity for sustainable ECD systems, rather than support one-off programs or NGO initiatives. Finally, there is a call for improved use of rigorous data (including human-centered design) to more effectively allocate resources to the degree of need at population, community, and family levels.
Ressource Education Development Post 2015: Reflecting, Reviewing, and Revisioning Education Development Post 2015: Reflecting, Reviewing, and Revisioning (UKFIET Conference Report). This paper explores how the ministries of education in Haiti, Palestine and South Sudan have planned for the crises affecting their countries, and examines how agencies such as IIEP, INEE and UNICEF have developed different methodologies in support.
Ressource 20 عاماً إنجازات وتحديات في مجال التعليم في حالات الطوارئ على انطلاق الشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ يقدم هذا التقرير الذي يوافق الذكرى العشرين للشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ بيانات جديدة عن عدد الأطفال والشباب المتأثرين بالأزمة في مختلف أنحاء العالم، والذين حُرموا حاليا من الحق في التعليم.
Ressource Apoio Psicossocial e Aprendizagem Social e Emocional de Crianças e Jovens em contextos de Emergência O presente documento tem como objetivo clarificar conceitos e abordagens relacionadas com o bem-estar psicossocial e a aprendizagem social e emocional (ASE) na educação em contextos de crise, e explorar de que forma o apoio psicossocial (AP) e a aprendizagem social e emocional se relacionam