Ressource Ending Corporal Punishment in the Early Years of Childhood: An essential right and need of every young child Corporal punishment is the most common form of violence against children and most likely to be experienced in early life, causing injury and death to thousands of young children every year, as well as numerous other impacts to physical and mental health, relationships, and lifelong wellbeing.
Ressource Early Childhood Matters: Caring for children and the planet This edition of Early Childhood Matters is dedicated to examining the many ways that climate change and early childhood intersect. In 34 articles, we hear from leading policymakers, researchers, educators, urban planners and activists from around the world, about how to both develop ecological resilience and improve well-being in the early years.
Ressource Espacio para la infancia 2021: la cuestión climática Esta edición de Cuidemos a la infancia está dedicada a examinar las múltiples formas en que se entrelazan el cambio climático y la primera infancia. A través de 34 artículos, escuchamos a destacados responsables políticos, investigadores, educadores, planificadores urbanos y activistas de todo el mundo, sobre cómo desarrollar la resiliencia ecológica y mejorar el bienestar en los primeros años.
Evènement Série de webinaire #Five4Education organise une série de cinq webinaires sur l'éducation au sein de la coopération. Chaque session numérique abordera un thème spécifique lié à l'éducation et à la formation.
Ressource The challenges and opportunities for supporting early childhood development in contexts of crisis INEE, Theirworld, and the Moving Minds Alliance is pleased to present a webinar on supporting young children in humanitarian settings!
Evènement The challenges and opportunities for supporting early childhood development in contexts of crisis INEE, Theirworld, and the Moving Minds Alliance is pleased to invite you to join us for a webinar on supporting young children in humanitarian settings!
Ressource Young Children and the Pandemic: UNICEF Early Childhood COVID-19 Response in East Asia and Pacific This report summarizes the impact of the COVID-19 disruptions on early childhood development in countries across East Asia and the Pacific in terms of the five dimensions of the Nurturing Care Framework. It proposes priorities for stakeholders and policy-makers towards achieving the fourth Sustainable Development Goal, which is inclusive and equitable in nature.
Ressource Journal on Education in Emergencies: Volume 7, Number 1 This special issue of JEiE contributes to a small but growing body of research evidence and lessons from programming implementation about early childhood development (ECD) in emergencies and humanitarian contexts.
Ressource Editorial Note: Journal on Education in Emergencies: Volume 7, Number 1 In this Editorial Note, lead editors Sweta Shah and Joan Lombardi introduce the key themes, trends, and novel contributions to evidence on ECD in emergencies offered in JEiE Volume 7, Number 1.
Ressource Effects of Two Early Childhood Interventions on the Developmental Outcomes of Children in Post-Earthquake Nepal In this Research Article, authors Jonathan Seiden, Valeria Kunz, Sara Dang, Matrika Sharma, and Sagar Gyawali provide quasi-experimental evidence of Save the Children’s ECD centers improving preacademic skills in children living in emergency contexts.