Ressource Les Absents de la Paix: Étude Indépendante Sur Les Jeunes La Paix et La Sécurité Ce document est une étude indépendante démontrant le rôle positif des jeunes dans le maintien de la paix. Il propose des recommandations concrètes pour que la communauté de la paix et de la sécurité travaille avec les jeunes de manière novatrice.
Ressource A Study of Education and Resilience in Kenya’s Arid and Semi-Arid Lands This study uses a resilience framework to ask how various education systems in the arid lands are helping or hindering young people and their societies to absorb shocks, adapt to and minimize stresses, and transform in positive ways when confronted with internal change and external pressures.
Ressource Evaluation of UNICEF’s Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme (PBEA) This resource is part of a collection of resources compiled by UNICEF’s 2012-2016 Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme, known as “Learning for Peace”, which was funded by the Government of the Netherlands. The extent to which social services (i.e. education) can be used for peacebuilding is an under-defined area of work that has not previously been tested at scale in UNICEF.
Ressource Education and Transitional Justice: Opportunities and Challenges for Peacebuilding This resource is part of a collection of resources compiled by UNICEF’s 2012-2016 Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme (PBEA), known as “Learning for Peace”, which was funded by the Government of the Netherlands.
Ressource Pastoralist Education and Peacebuilding in Ethiopia This study contributes to discussion and planning to strengthen peacebuilding through education initiatives designed to increase access to quality education for remote and marginalized communities, particularly nomadic pastoralists and agro-pastoralists.
Ressource A Systematic Policy Analysis of Early Childhood Development and Peacebuilding in 14 Countries This research is concerned with a major issue; that of early childhood development and peacebuilding at a policy level in conflict-affected and post-conflict countries.
Ressource Emerging Practices in Design, Monitoring, and Evaluation for Education for Peacebuilding Programming This practical guide focuses on key elements of program DM&E for education interventions with peacebuilding aims in fragile environments. It presents critical information, practical tips, resources and tools for all stages in program cycles, and emerging practices and lessons learned from the field, including those arising from the UNICEF Learning for Peace programme.
Ressource The Integration of Education and Peacebuilding: A Review of the Literature The review identified three main rationales for the role of education in peacebuilding: education as a ‘peace dividend’; as a means of strengthening governance; and as an entry point for transformation and change.
Ressource Literature Review: The Role of Teachers in Peacebuilding In the context of debates around teachers’ role in educational outcomes, accountability and management, this literature review explores their potential to be active agents of peacebuilding. This review specifically aims to explore their role in promoting peace, reconciliation, social cohesion and violence mitigation.
Ressource Case Study on Transitional Justice, Cote d'Ivoire - Participatory Video and Evaluation 10 young people were trained by Insightshare to carry out an evaluation using Participatory Video combined with Most Significant Change for UNICEF WCARO and UNICEF Côte d’Ivoire. The aim of the activity was to carry out an end of year participatory evaluation led by students and young people who participate in the PBEA programme that UNICEF and it’s partners lead in Côte d’Ivoire.