الموارد جائحة فیروس كورونا المستجد (كوفید- 19): مسارات العودة إلى التعلم في حين تبدأ نظم التعليم في إعادة فتح أبوابها وتدعم الطلاب على العودة إلى المدارس، فهناك أربع استجابات هي الأكثر صلة بالعودة إلى التعلم: تمديد وقت التدريس، والبرامج الاستدراكية، والتعليم التصحيحي، وبرامج التعليم المسرَّع ) AEP (. تزيد هذه البرامج مقدار وقت التدريس أو توفر دعمً إضافيًا أو تعطي الأولوية لنتائج
الموارد COVID-19: Pathways for the Return to Learning As education systems start to reopen and support students to return, four responses are most relevant in the return to learning: extended instructional time, catch-up programmes, remedial education, and accelerated education programmes. These programmes increase the amount of instructional time, provide additional support, or prioritise learning outcomes to help learners get back on track
الموارد COVID-19: Vías para la vuelta al aprendizaje A medida que los sistemas educativos retoman la actividad y apoyan a los estudiantes en su vuelta, hay cuatro respuestas que resultan más pertinentes para la vuelta al aprendizaje: tiempo de instrucción ampliado, programas de recuperación, educación de refuerzo y programas de educación acelerada (PEA).
الموارد COVID-19: Des voies pour renouer avec l’école Alors que les systèmes éducatifs commencent à rouvrir leurs établissements et à inciter les élèves à y retourner, quatre mesures s’avèrent être particulièrement pertinentes à la reprise des cours : la prolongation du temps d’enseignement, les programmes de rattrapage, les cours de soutien et les programmes d’éducation accélérée (PEA).
حدث Catching Up on Lost Learning — Part 1: Applying Accelerated Approaches in Response to COVID-19 The webinar is organized jointly by INEE and the Accelerated Education Working Group (AEWG). Panelists will provide an overview of relevant definitions related to alternative education, key recommendations in light of COVID-19, and practical examples from multiple settings.
الموارد Inclusive approaches to drop out and retention in low-resource settings This guidance note shares lessons learned from DFID’s Girls’ Education Challenge (GEC)3 programme on retention systems that work to provide visibility and support to marginalised girls in challenging contexts who are at risk of drop out from education.
الموارد Latest Evidence for Accelerated Education The webinar focused on sharing key findings and recommendations from a recent evidence review and explored the relevance of the findings for the non-formal education/alternative education space.
مدونة 4 INEE web events in 1 week! We are pleased to let you know that we have four - YES, 4!! - free, English-language web events happening during the week of June 8th!
حدث Latest Evidence for Accelerated Education The webinar will focus on sharing key findings and recommendations from a recent evidence review and will explore the relevance of the findings for the non-formal education/alternative education space. The panel will conclude with an overview of this review for the AEWG’s upcoming work and then open for robust discussion.
الموارد Alternative Education Beyond Accelerated Education: A Suggested Taxonomy and Program Examples During this webinar, panelists shared a suggested taxonomy and related definitions for the range of alternative education programming, followed by three case studies from Lebanon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the Philippines.