الموارد The real lives behind the data: Children with disabilities in education across Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and the occupied Palestinian territory This factsheet presents six stories from children with disabilities, collected by Humanity & Inclusion in Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and the occupied Palestinian territory.
الموارد Essential actions on disability-inclusive humanitarian action checklist This checklist provides a package of essential actions required to ensure disability-inclusive humanitarian action in line with the IASC guideline, CCCs, UNICEF Emergency Procedures, and guidance. It is a companion to UNICEF’s Guidance on including children with disabilities in humanitarian action.
الموارد Disability-Inclusive Humanitarian Action Toolkit This toolkit is a set of short guidance, practical tools, and capacity-building packages that provide operational guidance on including children with disabilities in humanitarian action.
الموارد Supporting young children with disabilities in humanitarian settings The webinar was moderated by Rosangela Berman Bieler, UNICEF’s Global Advisor on Disability, and included brief presentations on foundational concepts for disabilities-inclusive programming, and alternatives to address young children with disabilities needs.
الموارد Education Cannot Wait Policy and Accountability Framework on Disability Inclusion The framework provides a blueprint to ensure that the ECW Secretariat realizes disability inclusion, both internally and through its investments and partnerships. Additionally it seeks to guide the systematization of ECW’s work on Disability Inclusion to ensure that the Fund can reach 10% of children with disabilities across its investment portfolio.
الموارد Inclusive education: towards the inclusion of all learners Humanity & Inclusion just released a short animated video, illustrating what we mean by inclusive education and what are the key steps to remove barriers and ensure that children with disabilities access and thrive in educatio
الموارد Caregiver skills training for families of children with developmental delays or disabilities The CST consists of nine group sessions and three individual home visits, and focuses on training the caregiver on how to use everyday play and home activities and routines as opportunities for enhanced interaction and participation, development and learning.
الموارد Evidence on Learning Outcomes for Adolescents in Fragile Contexts: A Landscape Analysis This review provides an overview of the evidence base on learning outcomes for adolescents in contexts of fragility, crisis and emergencies – with a focus on adolescent girls and adolescents with disabilities (AwD). While the evidence base at the secondary level is relatively small, effective interventions echo best practices and lessons from the broader education literature.
الموارد Datos sobre los resultados del aprendizaje de los adolescentes en contextos frágiles: análisis de contexto Esta revisión ofrece una visión general de la base de pruebas sobre los resultados del aprendizaje de los adolescentes en contextos de fragilidad, crisis y emergencias, centrándose en las niñas adolescentes y los adolescentes con discapacidades. Aunque la base de pruebas aun es relativamente pequeña, las intervenciones eficaces se hacen eco de las mejores prácticas y las lecciones aprendidas.
الموارد Données sur les résultats d’apprentissage des adolescents dans les contextes fragiles: une analyse contextuelle Cette étude fournit une vue d'ensemble de la base de données probantes sur les résultats d'apprentissage des adolescents dans des contextes de fragilité, de crise et d'urgence - avec un accent particulier sur les adolescentes et les adolescents handicapés (AwD). Bien que la base factuelle au niveau secondaire soit relativement limitée, les interventions efficaces font écho aux meilleures pratiques