الموارد 20 Anos da INEE: Conquistas e Desafios da Educação em Situações de Emergência Este relatório que assinala o 20º Aniversário da INEE, disponibiliza um conjunto de informação sobre o número de crianças e jovens afetados por situações de crise, a quem, um pouco por todo o mundo, lhes é negado o direito à educação.
الموارد 20 Years of INEE: Achievements and Challenges in Education in Emergencies This report, which marks the 20th anniversary of INEE, offers new data on the number of crisis-affected children and young people around the globe who are currently denied the right to education.
الموارد Who Really Cares about Using Education Research in Policy and Practice? This second report of the project explores how a culture of research engagement can be created and nurtured. It brings together leading experts who provide insights into cutting-edge research in the field and international experience gathered from both education policy and practice. In addition, the report provides further analyses of data collected from over 30 systems through an OECD policy survey.
الموارد Leveraging Education in Emergencies for Climate Action This report, which is the result of a literature review and empirical research, examines the impacts, implications, and repercussions of climate and environmental breakdown for the field of education in emergencies (EiE).
الموارد SEL and PSS Measurement and Assessment Tools in Education in Emergencies: Identifying, Analyzing, and Mapping Tools to Global Guidance Documents A mapping of Social and Emotional Learning and Psychosocial Support (SEL and PSS) which covers programmatic measurement approaches, global measurement frameworks, assessment tools, and monitoring and results frameworks, with the aim to map what quality and equitable education in emergencies constitutes and how it can be assessed at the program and individual learning levels.
الموارد Evaluation of DG ECHO’s Actions in the Field of Protection and Education of Children in Emergency and Crisis Situations (2008-2015) This report presents the results of the evaluation of DG ECHO's Actions in the field of Protection and Education of Children in Emergency and Crisis Situations (2008-2015).
الموارد Global Education Monitoring Report 2024/25: Leadership in Education Entitled Lead for learning, this report argues that, in pursuing specific goals, education leaders are more than just managers. They are change agents, who need the time, trust and support to focus on setting a vision and developing the people they serve and work with. The report calls for investment in and empowerment of school and system leaders. There should be fair hiring processes and growth opportunities that recognize the full scope of leaders’ roles. Moreover, leadership works best when it is shared, empowering others to lead as they can within their roles.
الموارد Optimiser l’apprentissage, l’éducation et l’édition en Afrique : le facteur langue Cet ouvrage présente les résultats d’une évaluation exhaustive des expériences de programmes d’éducation bilingue et en langue maternelle menées ces dernières années dans 25 pays d’Afrique subsaharienne.
الموارد United Nations Human Rights Mechanisms and the Right to Education in Insecurity and Armed Conflict This publication identifies trends in the practice and contribution of UN human rights mechanisms to the protection of education in times of insecurity and armed conflict and offers recommendations on how such protection might be strengthened.
الموارد Sustaining Literacy in Africa: Developing a Literate Environment This publication is the first of a series of publications on youth and adult literacy that brings together commissioned studies and research