الموارد Literature Review: Horizontal Inequality in Education and Violent Conflict This review examines existing literature on inequality and intrastate conflict, the role of educational inequality in conflict settings, and the linkages between theories of conflict and the role of schools in society, with a focus on inequalities between identity groups and subsequent intergroup violence.
الموارد Peace Clubs in Schools in Côte d’Ivoire: Participatory Video and Annual Evaluation 10 young people were trained by Insightshare to carry out an evaluation using Participatory Video combined with Most Significant Change (PV MSC) for UNICEF WCARO and UNICEF Côte d’Ivoire. The aim of the activity was to carry out an end of year participatory evaluation led by students and young people who participate in the PBEA programme that UNICEF and partners lead in Côte d’Ivoire.
الموارد Literature Review: Youth Agency, Peacebuilding and Education This Literature Review on Youth Agency, Peacebuilding and Education is part of the work of the Research Consortium on Education and Peacebuilding, supported by the UNICEF Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme. It aims to provide insights into youth agency and the dynamics of conflict and peace in conflict‐affected contexts.
الموارد Learning for Peace, Côte d’Ivoire: Peace Messenger Clubs This film shows the results of the evaluation focused on the work of UNICEF with Search for Common Ground to reinforce ‘Peace Clubs’ and empower students, citizen of tomorrow to become ‘champions’ of peace through trainings in conflict transformation and mediation, participatory theatre, radio programmes and sports.
الموارد Learning for Peace, Côte d'Ivoire: Women's Group and ECD In the wake of conflict and violence, women in Côte d'Ivoire set up an early childhood development (ECD) center that became a platform for social interaction, dialogue, learning, and community activities that promote understanding, skills building, and peace in the community.
الموارد Conflict Management and Peace Building in Everyday Life: A resource kit for children and youth This resource kit contains a series of tools for children and young people to use to analyze conflict, manage conflict and build peace. Tools include practical steps to use the tool, visual illustrations and feedback from children and youth.
الموارد Education Under Attack 2014 This resource is part of a collection of resources compiled by UNICEF’s 2012-2016 Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme (PBEA), known as "Learning for Peace", which was funded by the Government of the Netherlands.
الموارد L’éducation prise pour cible 2014 Une étude mondiale relative aux menaces ou au recours délibéré à la force à l’encontre des élèves, des enseignants, des universitaires, des fonctionnaires et syndicalistes de l’éducation, des travailleurs humanitaires et d’autres membres du personnel de l’éducation, et contre des écoles, des universités et d’autres établissements éducatifs.
الموارد Child-Friendly Schooling for Peacebuilding The report reviews the fields of child-friendly education, and reviews the child-friendly schools approach through a peacebuilding lens, identifying elements in CFS theory and practice that are ‘peacebuilding resonant’ (already making a contribution to peacebuilding), ‘peacebuilding latent’, and ‘peacebuilding gaps’ in CFS thinking and provision that need to be filled.
الموارد Les écoles amies des enfants au service de la consolidation de la paix La présente étude examine de manière critique la théorie et la pratique des écoles amies des enfants du point de vue de la consolidation de la paix.