الموارد MHPSS Minimum Service Package - Orientation Event The PSS-SEL Collaborative is pleased to share an orientation session on the MHPSS Minimum Service Package.
حدث MHPSS Minimum Service Package - Orientation Event The PSS-SEL Collaborative is pleased to invite you to join us for an orientation session on the MHPSS Minimum Service Package.
الموارد Launch of JEiE Special Issue on PSS and SEL in Emergencies This event marked the launch of a special issue of the Journal on Education in Emergencies which provides a snapshot of the strategies and tools being developed and used to understand the status of wellbeing and psychosocial support in humanitarian contexts and the effectiveness of EiE programming that incorporates PSS and SEL principles.
الموارد Improve Children's Wellbeing and Learning in Central Sahel: Increasing Psychosocial Support in Schools As part of NRC BLP Program, an assessment has been conducted, in Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali aiming to measure promoters and barriers for learning before and after interventions.
الموارد Améliorer le Bien-Être et l’apprentissage des Enfants dans le Sahel Central : Renforcement du Soutien Psychosocial dans les Écoles Dans le cadre du BLP Programme mis en œuvre par NRC, une évaluation a été conduite au Burkina Faso, au Niger et au Mali3 afin de mesurer les facilitateurs et les barrières liés à l’apprentissage avant et après les interventions.
حدث Launch of JEiE Special Issue on PSS and SEL in Emergencies This event marks the launch of a special issue of the Journal on Education in Emergencies which provides a snapshot of the strategies and tools being developed and used to understand the status of wellbeing and psychosocial support in humanitarian contexts and the effectiveness of EiE programming that incorporates PSS and SEL principles.
الموارد مُقدِّمة في التّعلّم الاجتماعيّ والعاطفيّ والدّعم النّفسيّ الاجتماعيّ من أجل التّعلّم الشّامل عالي الجودة تصميم هذه الدّورة التّدريبيّة المفتوحة - ذاتيّة الوتيرة، والّتي تقدّم التّعلّم الاجتماعيّ العاطفيّ، والدّعم النّفسيّ الاجتماعيّ من أجل التّعلّم الشّامل عالي الجودة - من قِبَل فريقٍ من المعلّمين الّذين يعملون مع المتعلّمين اللاجئين، والضّعفاء في النّيجر.
الموارد Introduction to Social and Emotional Learning & Psychosocial Support for Quality Holistic Learning This open, self-paced course was designed with a team of teachers working with refugee and vulnerable learners in Niger. It is intended to provide an overview of key terminology, concepts, and practices related to social-emotional learning and psychosocial support.
الموارد Introduction à l'apprentissage social et émotionnel et au soutien psychosocial pour un apprentissage holistique de qualité Ce cours ouvert et auto-rythmé, Introduction à l’apprentissage socio-émotionnel et au soutien psychosocial pour un apprentissage holistique de qualité, a été conçu avec une équipe d’enseignants travaillant avec des apprenants réfugiés et vulnérables au Niger.