مدونة L’école guinéenne face à la pandémie de COVID-19 Pour freiner l'impact de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur le secteur de l'éducation, le gouvernement guinéen a élaboré un plan de riposte qui a été mis en œuvre avec le soutien de toutes les organisations partenaires actives dans le secteur. Découvrez comment leur réponse coordonnée a contribué à assurer la continuité de l’apprentissage et la réouverture en toute sécurité des écoles du pays.
أخبار Imaginecole : créons aujourd'hui l'éducation de demain Imaginecole, qu’est-ce que c’est ? Imaginecole est une plateforme régionale d’apprentissage en ligne qui met à la disposition
الموارد Effective Use of EdTech for Remedial Learning Programmes This brief expands on the work of Schwartz (2012) who reviewed the global literature on remedial programmes and identified key design and implementation features and builds on other studies that explored the use of EdTech and remedial programmes in low- and middle-income countries.
الموارد EdTech for Learners with Disabilities in Primary School Settings in LMICS: A Systematic Literature Review This systematic literature review was guided by the overarching aim of establishing the categories of EdTech that may be appropriate to support the learning of children with disabilities aged 6–12 years in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The review provides a synthesis of what we know from the evidence and highlights gaps in the existing knowledge base.
حدث Quelles réponses éducatives à la Covid-19 ? La Coalition Éducation et le Partenariat Mondial pour l'Éducation ont le plaisir de vous convier à un wébinaire de haut niveau, le 4 mars de 10h à 11h30.
الموارد IEI Distance Learning Program: Teacher Support SMS Module These resources include a needs assessment survey and facilitator guide to design and implement a remote mentoring or coaching model through text-messages on WhatsApp.
حدث Webinar: Using Kolibri for distance learning amid COVID-19 As a part of Learning Equality’s mission to build community and share learnings within the Kolibri community, we are launching Kolibri virtual learning spaces. These virtual learning spaces, the first of which will be a webinar, will engage the global Kolibri community in sharing promising practices and becoming more familiar with the possibilities of using Kolibri in your own programs.
الموارد Online Learning For Primary School Students In Indonesia During Covid-19 Pandemic This study aims to determine the barriers, solutions, and projections of online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesian Primary Education students.