
INEE Minimum Standards Anti-racism and Decolonisation Thematic Review Findings

Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)
22 ديسمبر/كانون الأول 2024 (التوقيت العالمي المُنسَّق)
Anti-racism and Decoloniality
INEE Minimum Standards

The INEE Minimum Standards update team is pleased to invite you to a webinar to present the findings, recommendations and topics of the recently finished INEE Minimum Standards anti-racism and decolonisation thematic review.

Webinar Recording and Presentation

During the webinar, we will present the result and findings of the INEE Minimum Standards anti-racism and  decolonisation thematic review, conducted as part of the INEE MS update. The thematic review conducted a review and mapping of references to, anti-racism and decolonization in the INEE MS, identified gaps, and provided recommendations on how to mainstream mentioned topics across the INEE MS update process. The findings and recommendations of the review will be incorporated in the updated INEE MS.


  • Dean Brooks, INEE Director
  • Ariel Rivera Solari, INEE Standard and Practice Coordinator
  • Seun Adebayo, Researcher

If you have any questions about the web event, contact [email protected]