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1 March 2011 Report United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

Evaluation of UNICEF’s Education in Emergencies and Post-Crisis Transition Programme: Angola Case Study

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Education in Emergencies and Post-Crisis Transition (EEPCT) programme began in 2006 as a five-year, US$201 million-dollar partnership between UNICEF and the Government of the Netherlands, intended to support the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Education For All (EFA) movement.

28 February 2011 Report Global Education Cluster

Education Cluster in Pakistan Lessons Learned: Flood Response

The Global Education Cluster commissioned a comprehensive lessons learned exercise in Pakistan, covering the period from the start of the floods in July until March. This report outlines the main findings from this review and highlights a number of recommendations for the current response in Pakistan as well as future emergency education responses. The key recommendations to come out of this lessons learned exercise are highlighted below.

18 January 2011 Case Study Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), Overseas Development Institute (ODI), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organziation (UNESCO)

INEE A Community of Practice, a Catalyst for Change

This report tells the story of the INEE over its ten year life.This case study aims to document and analyse the substantial changes undergone by the network since its inception in 2000. It provides a historical narrative that documents the evolution of INEE as a network, and explores its changing role over time.

10 January 2011 Report United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

Refugee Education: A Global Review

Based on extensive analysis, this review sets out an agenda for change, aimed at promoting high quality and protective education for refugees, in keeping with education as a durable solution and as a core element of UNHCR’s mandate.

1 January 2011 Manual/Handbook/Guide United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

Temporary Learning Spaces (TLS): Design and practice in emergencies

This compendium aims to equip field practitioners with a selection of documented TLSs that have been implemented in past emergencies to capitalise and pass on the knowledge that has been gained from past emergency responses. The compendium reviews and provides practical insides on how to implement TLSs that are most appropriate for various types of emergency situations.

1 January 2011 Case Study American Institutes for Research (AIR), Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), UNESCO International Institute for Education Planning (UNESCO-IIEP), US Agency for International Development (USAID)

Education and Fragility in Liberia

The purpose of the present report is to examine the impact of education on fragility in Liberia through a review of the drivers and dynamics of fragility, and the interaction of education with these drivers and dynamics. While primarily a desk study based on a review of secondary sources, this report also relies on information collected during a field visit to the country in September 2009.

1 January 2011 Report World Bank, World Health Organization (WHO)

World Report on Disability

The World Health Organization and the World Bank Group have jointly produced this World Report on Disability to provide the evidence for progressive policies and programmes that can improve the lives of people with disabilities, and facilitate implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which came into force in May 2008.

1 January 2011 Manual/Handbook/Guide
Save the Children, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Provincial Directorate for Education in Cuanza Sul, Education for Development IBIS Angola

ALP Booklet of Best Practices

Taking into account the commitment of governments and civil society organisations at global level to support education programmes that aim at promoting the MDGs, the Provincial Directorate for Education of Cuanza Sul in partnership with IBIS, Save the Children and UNICEF began in 2008 to implement the Literacy and Accelerated Learning Programme (ALP).

1 January 2011 Manual/Handbook/Guide
Global Education Cluster, Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC)
Global Protection Cluster

Guidelines for Child Friendly Spaces in Emergencies

The purpose of these principles is to give practical guidance to the field teams that establish CFSs in different types of emergencies and contexts.

1 January 2011 Manual/Handbook/Guide UNESCO International Institute for Education Planning (UNESCO-IIEP)

Planning for technical and vocational skills and development

The booklets in this series are written primarily for two types of clientele: those engaged in educational planning and administration, in developing as well as developed countries; and others, less specialized, such as senior government officials and policy-makers who seek a more general understanding of educational planning and of how it is related to overall national development.