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20 April 2005 Training Material
Defence for Children-Palestine Section and Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers

Dealing with alleged child collaborators in the Occupied Palestinian Territories in the spirit of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

It is our pleasure to present this report of the workshop “Dealing with alleged child collaborators in the Occupied Palestinian Territory in the spirit of the Convention on the Rights of the Child”, which took place in Ramallah on 20 April 2005. We hope it will shed some light over one of the most important and sensitive issues regarding child protection in the OPT.

12 April 2005 Research Publication United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organziation (UNESCO)

Education, Conflict and Social Cohesion

Education, Conflict and Social Cohesion argues that in order to ensure that processes of education reform are meaningful contributions to reconciliation and peace-building, the subtle and complex relationships between schooling and conflict need to be explicitly recognised and examined.

5 April 2005 Case Study
Educational Facilities Research Center, National Institute for Educational Policy Research, Japan

Case Studies of Seismic Nonstructural Retrofitting in School Facilities

This document is intended for local authorities that establish schools, and for school teachers and staff. It introduces examples of seismic retrofitting on nonstructural members that could be identified and implemented through daily inspections.

5 April 2005 Case Study
GeoHazards International

Identifying Earthquake-Unsafe Schools and Setting Priorities to make them Safe

In response to the January 26, 2001 Gujarat Earthquake in India, 153 schools in Ahmedabad, Baroda and Surat were studied to identify earthquake-unsafe school buildings. A rapid, inexpensive method was adopted to assess the earthquake vulnerability of the school buildings. The report may serve as a model on how to assess the seismic safety of school buildings.

5 April 2005 Training Material Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)

Teacher Training: Psychosocial Support

This programme covers three days of training, and the main objective is to focus on how teachers can give psychosocial support to children affected by war. It is assumed that these children have returned to a more or less normal school environment.

5 April 2005 Journal Article
Bernard van Leer Foundation

Responses to young children in post-emergency situations

This journal about early childhood looks at specific issues regarding the protection and development of young children, in particular from a psychosocial perspective, in emergencies. It contains articles on rapid child protection assessments in emergency contexts, ECD in emergencies, the child-to-child approach of helping children in emergencies and affected by conflict, restorative play in refugee situations and disabled children in conflict situations.

5 April 2005 World Food Programme (WFP)

School Feeding Programme Indicators

Pages 11-12 of this compendium of indicators contain output and outcome indicators for in-school feeding, school feeding take home rations and food for training, including literacy and numeracy programmes, which can be used for monitoring and evaluation.

5 April 2005 Policy Document Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the Accra Agenda for Action

The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness is an historic agreement to improve the quality of aid, signed in Paris in 2005 by more than 100 donors, developing countries and NGOs. The declaration commitments and targets reflect the lessons donors and partner countries have learnt about how to make aid more effective in reducing poverty.

31 March 2005 Report
Human Rights Watch

Failing Our Children: Barriers to the Right to Education

This 60-page report is based on interviews with hundreds of children in all regions of the world. Human Rights Watch investigations in more than 20 countries found that school fees and related education costs, the global HIV/AIDS epidemic, discrimination, violence and other obstacles.

1 March 2005 Policy Document Save the Children

Protecting Children in Emergencies: Escalating Threats to Children Must Be Addressed

The failure to protect children from escalating threats not only results in personal tragedy but carries a long-term social cost as well, including the spread of HIV/AIDS, an elevated maternal and infant mortality rate, a loss of education and a generation of marginalized youth. Protecting children in crises must be a top priority in every stage of every emergency response.

13 January 2005 Research Publication Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Senior Level Forum on Development Effectiveness in Fragile States: Harmonisation and Alignment

This study brings together two concurrent focuses: the first is on ‘fragile states’ or ‘difficult partnerships’, emerging from both from the challenge of meeting the MDGs through tackling poverty in these environments and the renewed focus on improving governance and institutions in weak institutional environments. The second is the evolving agenda around donor behaviour and aid effectiveness.

6 January 2005 Report
DAC Learning and Advisory Process on Difficult Partnerships

The Forgotten States: Aid Volumes and Volatility in Difficult Partnership Countries (1992-2002)

This summary paper was prepared by Levin and Dollar for the DAC Learning and Advisory Process on Difficult Partnerships. The previous study was from 1992-2002 and this study paper was prepared in 2005. This paper summarizes the findings of data analysis conducted for the DAC LAP on aid allocations in difficult partnerships.

1 January 2005 Journal Article
Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry

Stressors, Supports and the Social Ecology of Displacement: Psychosocial Dimensions of an Emergency

This study explored the psychosocial benefits of an emergency education intervention serving adolescents displaced by the war in Chechnya. It set out to describe key stressors and sources of social support available to youth served by the International Rescue Committee’s (IRC) emergency education program.

1 January 2005 Manual/Handbook/Guide Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organziation (UNESCO), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

Peace Education Programme

The Peace Education Programme (PEP) teaches the skills and values associated with peaceful behaviours. The programme enables and encourages learners to think constructively about issues, both physical and social, and to develop constructive attitudes towards living together and solving problems that arise in their communities through peaceful means

31 December 2004 Research Publication Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Education and Conflict

This study provides an excellent overview of the literatures on education in emergency situations, post-war educational reconstruction, and peace education. It continues the debate launched several years ago within the German development cooperation community on promoting basic education in the context of peace-building, crisis prevention and conflict transformation

31 December 2004 Research Publication United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organziation (UNESCO)

EFA Global Monitoring Report 2005: The Quality Imperative

In the many countries that are striving to guarantee all children the right to education, the focus on access often overshadows the issue of quality. Yet quality stands at the heart of Education for All. It determines how much and how well students learn, and the extent to which their education achieves a range of personal, social and development goals.

4 December 2004 Report Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

The Second Global Inter-Agency Consultation on Education in Emergencies and Early Recovery

The INEE Secretariat organized the December 2-4, 2004 Consultation in Cape Town, South Africa with substantial input from the over 900 INEE members working on behalf of and with people affected by crises. These members provided guidance on the themes to be discussed and how the Consultation should be organised

1 November 2004 Journal Article
Humanitarian Exchange

Developing Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies

Traditionally, education in emergency situations has been seen, not as a humanitarian priority, but as a long-term development activity. In recent years, however, awareness has increased of the need for non-formal and formal education programmes in emergency situations.

1 September 2004 Manual/Handbook/Guide
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Cambridge University Press

Adaptation Policy Frameworks for Climate Change: Developing Strategies, Policies and Measures

The development of the Adaptation Policy Framework (APF) is intended to help provide the rapidly evolving process of adaptation policy-making with a much-needed roadmap. Ultimately, the purpose of the APF is to support adaptation processes to protect – and enhance – human well-being in the face of climate change.

31 July 2004 Research Publication UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)

Fragile States: Defining Difficult Environments for Poverty Reduction

This paper adopts a definition of ‘difficult environments’ grounded in the role of the state in development effectiveness. Difficult environments are defined as those areas where the state is unable or unwilling to harness domestic and international resources effectively for poverty reduction.

1 June 2004 Journal Article Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies, Chronic Crises, and Early Reconstruction

The current issue, "Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies, Chronic Crises, and Early Reconstruction: Issues and Debates on Quality, Impact, and Accountability" (Vol. 9, No. 2) seeks to further discussion on the theoretical and practical issues and debates arising from the INEE Minimum Standards, their formulation and implementation.

21 February 2004 Report
Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children

Global Survey on Education in Emergencies

This Global Survey on Education in Emergencies (Global Survey) is an attempt to gather information on how many refugee, displaced and returnee children and youth have access to education and the nature of the education they receive.

1 January 2004 Toolkit US Agency for International Development (USAID)

Youth and Conflict: A Toolkit for Intervention

This document examines key issues related to youth participation in violence; discusses lessons learned in developing programmes for at-risk youth; presents a range of programme options; includes illustrative monitoring and evaluation tools; and identifies relevant USAID mechanisms and partners.

1 January 2004 Manual/Handbook/Guide Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

INEE Good Practice Guide: Adult Education

In emergency situations, education programs for adults are of special significance as communities are disrupted and individuals, especially women, must take on new roles and responsibilities

1 January 2004 Manual/Handbook/Guide Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

INEE Good Practice Guide: Assessing Resource Needs

To ensure the effectiveness of such programs, emergency education assessments must include not only the crisis-affected community, but the local government and NGOs working on both education and non-education issues

1 January 2004 Research Publication UNESCO International Institute for Education Planning (UNESCO-IIEP)

Co-ordinating education during emergencies and reconstruction: challenges and responsibilities

In this book, the co-ordination, or lack of co-ordination, of education during both emergencies and the early reconstruction period is examined. What constitutes effective and poor co-ordination is also analyzed, with suggestions for enhancing co-ordination of education in emergency and post-conflict settings.