INEE Network Spaces

INEE network spaces are formal groups and platforms designed to convene and engage network members. Current network spaces include working groups, reference groups, language communities, and the INEE Community of Practice.

Working Groups

INEE Working Groups (WG) are formalized network spaces that allow members to work collectively on specific focus areas, such as gender, data & evidence, PSS-SEL...etc. WGs are composed of individual and institutional INEE members who advocate for their focus area and who collaboratively develop knowledge and resources to help INEE members provide inclusive, quality, and safe education for all affected by crises. Each WG is led by a volunteer leadership team and carries out a specific set of time-bound tasks and activities. Below is a list of current INEE Working Groups.

Accelerated Education Working Group (AEWG)

The Accelerated Education Working Group is an inter- agency working group made up of members supporting and/or funding AEPs. The AEWG aims to improve the quality of AEPs through developing guidance and tools to ensure AE is a relevant response and to support a more harmonized approach to AE.

Contact: [email protected]


Early Childhood Working Group (ECD WG)

Revitalized in 2019, the ECD Working Group aims to support the improvement of outcomes for young children in humanitarian and fragile settings by strengthening inter-agency ECD programs, practices, and policies for children and families affected by crisis through collaboration and knowledge sharing, development, testing and dissemination of practical tools, and advocacy. Since its revitalization, the ECD Working Group has developed a work plan that aims to support multi-sectoral teams on the ground in implementing programs to assist the youngest children and families impacted by humanitarian crises globally.

Contact: [email protected]


EiE Data Working Group (DWG)

Convened in December 2020, the overarching aim of the EiE Data Working Group is to directly improve the EiE data ecosystem or, through the creation of global public goods and generation of consensus for particular changes, to catalyze improvements in the EiE data ecosystem. Building on and linking to the work of key EiE data actors and working groups, this group aims to provide a strategic global platform for a strengthened and more collaborative EiE data ecosystem. 

Contact: [email protected]


Gender Working Group (GWG)

The Gender Working Group is a member-led community of practice for actors engaged in Gender and EiE to work collaboratively to raise awareness and visibility, promote understanding, and advance action on gender-responsive EiE. The GWG focuses on developing practical resources, strengthened knowledge-sharing, evidence and advocacy related to gender equity and education.

Contact: [email protected]


Inclusive Education Working Group (IEWG)

The IEWG aims to promote the key principles, behaviors, and actions necessary for ensuring that all excluded and marginalized people (whether on the grounds of disability, ethnicity, gender, language, poverty, etc.) are included in education in emergencies, including in situations of forced displacement. 

The IEWG’s work plan focuses on producing, disseminating and promoting the use of practical inclusive education resources for EiE practitioners and policy-makers before, during and after emergencies.

Contact: [email protected] 


PSS-SEL Working Group

The PSS-SEL Working Group, formed in 2018, is a continuation of the PSS-SEL sub-group from the previous iteration of INEE Working Groups (2014-2017). The working group builds on the momentum and achievements of the previous group, with the same aim to better support ongoing work in PSS-SEL in crisis contexts. Members of the group work across agencies to address gaps in policy, practice, and research regarding PSS-SEL.

Contact: [email protected]


Teachers in Crisis Contexts (TiCC) Working Group

TiCC was founded in April 2014 as an inter-agency effort to provide more and better support to teachers in crisis settings. Members of the group work together to identify problem areas in teacher management, development and support in crisis contexts and propose and provide inter-agency open-source solutions. The work of TiCC builds on INEE’s long-standing commitment to working with and for teachers in crisis settings.

Contact: [email protected]


Reference Groups

INEE Reference Groups exist to enable the INEE Secretariat and Network Space members to collaborate and receive input from technical and subject-matter experts whose expertise in related sectors or thematic areas benefits the INEE's relevant projects/activities. Through INEE Reference Groups, INEE leverages technical and often cross-sectoral expertise to inform specific projects, agendas, or the development of global goods. As a result, Reference Groups are time bound, needs-driven, technical and advisory in nature. Below is a list of current INEE Reference Groups

Measurement Library Reference Group (MLRG)

The MLRG supports the continued development and expansion of the INEE Measurement Library by providing technical support to the Measurement Library. The key responsibilities of the MLRG members include but are not limited to:

  • Peer-reviewing and providing independent technical feedback on the Measurement Tools submitted to the Measurement Library 
  • Peer-reviewing and providing independent technical feedback on the training materials that accompany measures submitted to the Measurement Library

In addition to these core tasks, all MLRG members are engaged in promoting awareness of the Measurement Library amongst their colleagues/networks to encourage submissions and usage of the Library. As such, the MLRG seeks to influence EiE stakeholders, including policymakers and practitioners, to use evidence-based research and reliable measures to achieve holistic learning outcomes for children in crisis contexts.

Contact: [email protected]