Ressource Ouvrez les livres, ouvrez les portes - Le défi d’alphabétisation en Afrique de l’Ouest Dans cette note d’information, ANCEFA, Pamoja Afrique de l'Ouest, la Plateforme Africaine pour l’Education des Adultes, Oxfam International et ActionAid exposent l’ampleur et l’impact du problème de l’analphabétisme en Afrique de l’Ouest, région qui présente les taux d’alphabétisation les plus bas au monde.
Ressource Language and Education: The Missing Link A range of experts argue that how language is used in schools for delivering the curriculum is an important factor in whether or not children succeed in education.
Ressource Steps Towards Learning - A Guide to Overcoming Language Barriers in Children's Education In many countries of the world, large numbers of children start school, only to find their teachers are speaking to them in a language they don't understand. In other places, teachers start by communicating with children in their own language, but as soon as written words and numbers are introduced, teachers use a language children don't understand.
Ressource Effective Literacy Programmes: Options for Policy-Makers In this booklet, John Ozenham focuses on literacy and numeracy skills that enable people to capitalize better on knowledge of other subjects, to participate more in the social and political aspects of life, and thus to contribute in a valuable way to society and its development.
Ressource Programmes d’alphabétisation efficaces : le choix des décideurs Cet ouvrage de John Oxenham porte sur les compétences en lecture, en écriture et en calcul qui permettent aux gens de tirer un meilleur parti de leurs connaissances dans d’autres domaines, de participer plus activement à la vie sociale et politique et, par là même, de contribuer de manière signifi cative au développement de la société.
Ressource Opportunity to Learn: A high impact strategy for improving educational outcomes in developing countries In the 16 years since the first Education for All conference at Jomtien, national governments and international donors have invested billions of dollars in programs and reforms designed to improve access to quality education, with a focus on basic education.
Ressource Mother Tongue-based Literacy Programmes: Case Studies of Good Practice in Asia This publication presents success stories from mother tongue-based literacy programmes in seven Asian countries.
Ressource id21 insights education #5: Communicating International Development Research Education is power and language is the key to accessing that power. A child who thrives at school and develops self-esteem and pride will have better employment opportunities and is more likely to realize his or her potential. Ethnicity, language and culture are deeply intertwined. They are also intertwined with inequity, discrimination and conflict.
Ressource Teacher Guide: Basic Literacy, Numeracy and Themes for Everyday Living This version of the TEP offers a one year programme with the assistance of locally recruited teachers, who, in some cases, are non-qualified before training. The intention is to provide children with basic learning skills so that they can enter or be reintegrated into normal school activity.