Mother Tongue-based Literacy Programmes: Case Studies of Good Practice in Asia

This publication presents success stories from mother tongue-based literacy programmes in seven Asian countries. It is divided into two parts. Part I provides a synthesis of the seven case studies as it discusses the different situations, strategies used and activities undertaken. Part II features a more detailed study of each of the projects. Project organizers, themselves, have contributed these country project studies, which has allowed for the inclusion of much greater experiential insight into the projects. Part II covers elements such as selection of project sites, orthography development, curriculum and materials development, teacher training, organization of classes, resource mobilization, community participation, project impact, and future directions. It should thus be of particular interest to policy makers, planners and programme implementers from both formal and nonformal education department, as well as those individuals from non-governmental organizations who are involved in mother tongue/bilingual literacy activities.

Resource Info

Resource Type

Case Study


Published by

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organziation (UNESCO)


Literacy and Communication
Teaching and Learning