Ressource Primera ayuda psicológica: Guía para trabajadores de campo Esta guía trata de la primera ayuda psicológica, un modo práctico y humano para ayudar y apoyar a nuestros semejantes en graves situaciones de crisis. Se ha pensado para personas que se tienen la posibilidad de ayudar a otras que han experimentado un hecho extremadamente angustiante.
Ressource Les premiers secours psychologiques : Guide pour les acteurs de terrain Ce guide présente les premiers secours psychologiques, qui supposent l’apport d’une aide dans sa dimension à la fois humaine et concrète pour les personnes ayant vécu des situations de crise graves. Ce document est destiné aux personnes en mesure de secourir ceux qui ont vécu un événement extrêmement pénible.
Ressource The Journey of Life Trainer's Manual: Facilitator's Guide The Journey of Life (JOL) series helps communities to support both caregivers and children in need. With individual and community resources often stretched to the breaking point by HIV and AIDS, war, violence and natural disasters, people need the information and skills to be able to plan a course of action.
Ressource Guidelines for Child Friendly Spaces in Emergencies The purpose of these principles is to give practical guidance to the field teams that establish CFSs in different types of emergencies and contexts.
Ressource Creating Healing Classrooms Included are a collection of guides and tools that were created and piloted through the International Rescue Committee's (IRC) Healing Classrooms Initiative.
Ressource Guide to the Evaluation of PSS Programming in Humanitarian Crises UNICEF together with partners has developed this Inter-Agency Guide to the Evaluation of Psychosocial Programming in Humanitarian Crises to assist organizations working in the field of psychosocial support to think through key issues in planning and implementing an evaluation.
Ressource Working with Children and Their Environment: Manual of Psycho-social skills Terre des hommes developed a pilot-project called "Movement, Games and Sport for the psychosocial development of children", based on methodologies developed and tested in Switzerland, then implemented in Iran, Colombia and Sri Lanka. This manual is the result of a MGS field experience on strengthening the skills of adults (animators, social workers and teachers) in charge of children
Ressource Psychosocial Assessment of Education in Gaza and Recommendations for Response One year after the war in the Gaza Strip between December 27th 2008 and January 18th 2009, UNESCO sought to understand how the education system has been affected by the current situation in Gaza from a psychosocial perspective. In particular, how are learners, teachers, students and professors across the system coping?
Ressource Civic and Psychosocial Teacher Training Occupied Palestinian Territories Reducing the Impact of Violence was a project implemented by TCC during the height of the Second Intifada and in a context of ongoing assaults by the Israeli military invasion.
Ressource Buenas Ideas Post Emergencias - Guías de contención emocional, prevención y autocuidado - Chile Este conjunto de guías de contención emocional, prevención y autocuidado, busca hacerse cargo de la necesidad de enfrentar situaciones de emergencia y es fruto del esfuerzo conjunto de la Unidad de Transversalidad Educativa del Ministerio de Educación y educarchile, el portal de la educación chilena. Se divide en tres volúmenes, cada uno de los cuales se dirige a un público específico.