Ressource PBEA Uganda: Participatory Video and Evaluation The aim of the activity was to carry out a qualitative end-of-programme participatory evaluation led by youth who participated in the PBEA programme at the same time as building capacity in the trainees and delivery agencies.
Ressource The Sustainable Development Goals and LGBT Inclusion This short guide demonstrates some of the ways LGBT equality can be achieved through the SDGs and showcases some of the work that is already being done worldwide to make sure LGBT people are fully included and have their needs met.
Ressource التوجه الجنسي والهوية الجنسية والتعبير الجنساني: المصطلحات الأساسية A five-language dictionary, glossary and usage guide to assist humanitarian professionals communicate effectively and respectfully with and about people of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. Available in English, French, Turkish, Farsi and Arabic.
Ressource Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Gender Expression: Essential Terminology A five-language dictionary, glossary and usage guide to assist humanitarian professionals communicate effectively and respectfully with and about people of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. Available in English, French, Turkish, Farsi and Arabic.
Ressource Orientation sexuelle, identité de genre et expression de genre : Terminologie Essentielle pour le Secteur Humanitaire Un dictionnaire, un glossaire et un guide d'utilisation en cinq langues pour aider les professionnels de l'humanitaire à communiquer efficacement et respectueusement avec et au sujet des personnes ayant des orientations sexuelles et des identités de genre différentes. Disponible en anglais, français, turc, farsi et arabe.
Ressource Out in the Open: Education sector responses to violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression This report presents the findings of a global review of homophobic and transphobic violence in schools and education sector responses.
Ressource Abierta Mente: Respuestas del sector de educación a la violencia basada en la orientación sexual y la identidad/expresión de género Este informe resume los hallazgos de una revisión global, a cargo de la UNESCO, sobre la violencia homofóbica y transfóbica en las escuelas, y las respuestas del sector de educación.
Ressource Au grand jour: réponses du secteur de l'éducation à la violence fondée sur l'orientation sexuelle et l'identité ou l'expression de genre, rapport de synthèse Ce rapport présente les conclusions d'un examen mondial de la violence homophobe et transphobe dans les écoles et des réponses du secteur de l'éducation.
Ressource Jogo Aberto: Respostas do setor de educação à violência com base na orientação sexual e na identidade/ expressão de gênero Este relatório resume os resultados de um estudo global, encomendado pela UNESCO, acerca da violência homofóbica e transfóbica nas escolas e das respostas do setor de educação a essa questão.
Ressource Gender, Education and Peacebuilding: Brief and Case Studies This brief and associated case studies are intended to inform policy discussions among education and peacebuilding actors on relevant gender considerations across both fields.