Ressource Peace Clubs in Schools in Côte d’Ivoire: Participatory Video and Annual Evaluation 10 young people were trained by Insightshare to carry out an evaluation using Participatory Video combined with Most Significant Change (PV MSC) for UNICEF WCARO and UNICEF Côte d’Ivoire. The aim of the activity was to carry out an end of year participatory evaluation led by students and young people who participate in the PBEA programme that UNICEF and partners lead in Côte d’Ivoire.
Ressource Fixing the Broken Promise of Education for All: Findings from the Global Initiative on Out-of-School Children Fixing the Broken Promise of Education for All, a report produced by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics and UNICEF, could not be more timely. As the international community renews its commitment to advance every child’s right to education, it explores why global progress has stalled since the early 2000s, when millions of additional children poured into the world’s classrooms, and provides the data and analysis needed to move forward and reach every child excluded from education.
Ressource Conflict Management and Peace Building in Everyday Life: A resource kit for children and youth This resource kit contains a series of tools for children and young people to use to analyze conflict, manage conflict and build peace. Tools include practical steps to use the tool, visual illustrations and feedback from children and youth.
Ressource Using education to promote peace and counter radicalisation and violent extremism in Africa This policy brief will explore the challenge of radicalisation and violent extremism in society and propose interventions in education to promote peace and that mitigate the growth of radicalisation and violent extremism. It includes continental trends, strategic actions, recommendations for interventions.
Ressource The Resilience of Syrian Refugee Children in Lebanon: What do they need to acquire quality This report presents the findings of a pilot study that follows the Education Resilience Approaches (ERA) framework. The purpose of the research is to discover the different risks, assets, and processes that influence the learning achievement of Syrian refugee children trying to access education services in Lebanon.
Ressource Ensuring children continue to learn even in the Ebola Crisis: Proposed Provision of Open/Distance Learning for children in affected countries The idea is for children to continue learning in some alternative and cost-effective way during the Ebola outbreak, in particular during the school closure period. If children continue learning, it will be easier for them to catch up once schools reopen.
Ressource The Education and Gender-Based Violence Protection Needs of Adolescent Girls from Darfur in Chad
Ressource Por una educación transformadora Manual dirigido a educadores de distintos niveles y modalidades, con ejemplos de contenidos e instrumentos que ayudan a organizar una educación transformadora en cualquier ámbito educativo —formal o no formal—, y fundamentado en los principios del nuevo humanismo universalista.
Ressource Teenage, Married, and Out of School: Effects of early marriage and childbirth on school dropout Using recent household survey data from nine East and Southern African countries, this paper examines one possible reason for this persistent gender disparity; the effects of early marriage and pregnancy, and finds that marital status has a strong negative impact on school attendance.