Blog No-tech solutions to continue learning: an example from Afghanistan On how to develop print-based self-instructional material for home-based learning.
Ressource Supporting Individuals with Autism through Uncertain Times All children and young adults require support from caregivers during times of stress and uncertainty, such as those we are facing now with the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).
Ressource A Balanced Reading Approach (ABRA) Literacy Resources ABRACADABRA, A Balanced Reading Approach for Children Always Designed to Achieve Best Results for All, is a highly interactive, early literacy web-based tool that supports beginning readers through 33 engaging activities linked to 20 stories of different kinds.
Ressource Developing digital fluency among teacher educators: Evidence from Tanzanian Schools of Education This study explores how teacher educators develop digital fluency as a key competence in the contemporary world. The study established dimensions of digital fluency as a concept through reviewing the literature. The study was qualitative, with data collected through interviews with ninety educators, including the management of university schools of education.
Ressource Promising practices for equitable remote learning: Emerging lessons from COVID-19 education responses in 127 countries Using data on access to technology from household surveys (MICS and DHS) and information on national education responses to school closures gathered from UNICEF education staff in over 120 countries, this brief explores potential promising practices for equitable remote learning.
Ressource What are countries doing that already use remote learning extensively? What can we learn from them? This report provides a rapid evidence summary of the history, evolution, coverage, impact (successes and challenges) of remote learning in four countries with sustained prior experience, namely Bangladesh, Singapore, South Korea and the United States.
Ressource What are the lessons learned from supporting education for marginalised girls that could be relevant for EdTech responses to COVID-19 in lower- and middle-income countries? This report provides a rapid evidence summary of the impact of school closures on marginalised girls and presents strategies which involve elements of education technology to mitigate these negative impacts.
Ressource Are our Children Learning? The Status of Remote-learning among School-going Children in Kenya during the Covid-19 Crisis Since we know that data equals information and evidence, which is powerful in informing intervention, we went out to collect data on the status of remote learning among school-going children across the country.
Ressource Delivering Distance Learning in Emergencies: A Literature Review The purpose of this review, produced by USAID's Data and Evidence in Education Programs (DEEP) activity, is to provide evidence on four effective distance learning modalities that can be implemented in USAID-recipient countries during and beyond emergencies.
Ressource Learning at Home in Times of Crisis Using Radio: Interactive Audio Instruction Repurposing Toolkit This document will assist you through the Interactive Audio Instruction (IAI) adaptation process by highlighting key considerations and suggesting solutions to common challenges. Its contents will help you define the parameters you will need to work within during this adaptation.