Evènement Quality Holistic Learning (QHL) Project Webinar & Resource Sharing During this sharing event, the Quality Holistic Learning Project team will share the new resources and talk about implementation of QHL Open Educational Resources for teachers in a variety of settings across Lebanon, Kenya, and Niger, including with public school teachers, in community-based programs, online, offline, and blended. UTC
Ressource Education in emergencies research partnerships through the looking glass In this paper, we reflect on the historical and ongoing legacies of (neo)colonialism and imperialism in education in emergencies (EiE) research and practice using collaborative auto-ethnography. Specifically, we explore how we’ve experienced hierarchies of power, positionality and privilege, and how we’ve benefited and/or been victims of this in the past.
Blog Localising power and responsibility for education through community-based structures A Thematic Review by the Girls’ Education Challenge (GEC) explored how structures from within the community – or community-based structures (CBSs) – contributed to the successful implementation of interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic. It identified six key factors which were present in projects which successfully adapted to this new way of working.
Ressource Inter-Agency Toolkit on Localisation in Humanitarian Coordination This toolkit aims to be the go-to resource for localisation across a range of clusters and humanitarian coordination structures, with tools relevant to a wide range of practitioners.
Ressource Beyond the Partnership Debate: Localizing Knowledge Production in Refugee and Forced Migration Study Drawing on the results of a review of forced displacement research centres based in the global South and interviews with the directors of these centres, this article encourages a shift from focusing on research partnerships to an approach that supports the localization of knowledge production in refugee and forced migration studies.
Ressource Framework for Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of National and Local Actors The goal of this framework is to support local and national members of the Child Protection and Education Country coordination groups to improve their operational capacity in key areas.
Ressource Marco para el Fortalecimiento de la Capacidad Institucional de los Actores Nacionales y Locales El objetivo de este marco es apoyar a los miembros locales y nacionales de los grupos de coordinación de Protección de la Niñez y Educación del país con el fin de que puedan mejorar la capacidad operativa en las áreas claves.
Ressource Cadre de renforcement des capacités institutionnelles des acteurs nationaux et locaux L'objectif de ce cadre est de soutenir les membres locaux et nationaux des groupes de coordination nationale pour la protection de l'enfance et l'éducation afin d'améliorer leur capacité opérationnelle dans des domaines clés.
Ressource Note d’orientation sur le renforcement des capacités aux fins de la localisation La présente note d’orientation constitue un recueil de recommandations sur le renforcement des capacités qui trouvent leur source dans trois ateliers régionaux menés en 2019 par le Groupe de travail chargé de la localisation établi dans le cadre du Grand compromis.
Ressource مذكرة إرشادية بشأن مشاركة الجهات الفاعلة المحلية في مجموعات تنسيق العمل الإنساني تستند هذه المذكرة الإرشادية إلى العمل الذي قامت به شبكة التعلم النشط من أجل المساءلة والأداء في العمل الإنساني (ALNAP) في عام 2016 بشأن تحسين تنسيق العمل الإنساني، وإلى عمل مجموعة الحماية العالمية ومجموعة التعليم العالمية بشأن توطين العمل الإنساني.