Ressource Planifier le développement des compétences techniques et professionnelles Les ouvrages de cette collection sont destinés principalement à deux catégories de lecteurs : ceux qui occupent des fonctions dans l’administration et la planifi cation de l’éducation, tant dans les pays en développement que dans les pays industrialisés ; ceux, moins spécialisés – hauts fonctionnaires et hommes politiques, par exemple.
Ressource INEE Framing Paper 1 - Education and Opportunity: Post-Primary and Income Growth This paper considers the connections between post-primary education (PPE) for crisis-affected youth, and Income Growth interventions.
Ressource Market Assessment Toolkit for Vocational Training Providers and Youth The three-part Market Assessment Toolkit for VT Providers and Youth is a combination of resources, questionnaires and activities to assist VT programs and youth to gather information on market demand and translate it into programming that responds to a dynamic business environment and youth needs.
Ressource Trousse d’outils d’évaluation du marché pour les dispensateurs de formation professionnelle et les jeunes La trousse d’évaluation du marché est une combinaison de ressources, de questionnaires et d’activités qui, pour aider les programmes de FP et les jeunes, permet de recueillir des informations sur les demandes du marché et d’adapter la programmation en conséquence, afin qu’elle corresponde au dynamisme de l’environnement économique et aux besoins des jeunes
Ressource Towards Sustainable Livelihoods: Vocational training and access to work on the Thai-Burmese border ZOA issue paper no.1, looks at the issue of livelihoods in relation to the vocational education system in the camps and in the wider context of camp life and the Thai legal and economic structures.
Ressource Technology-based Vocational Skills Training for Marginalized Girls and Young Women This publication is an outcome of the pilot experiences in Indonesia under the programme entitled “Scientific, Technical and Vocational Education for Out-of-School Girls: Schools and Learning Centres as Community Catalysts for Poverty Reduction and Empowerment of Girls (STVE)” implemented by UNESCO Jakarta.
Ressource Learning to Live Together: Building Skills, Values and Attitudes for the 21st Century A study published by UNESCO International Bureau of Education, this book is geared toward national policy-makers, curriculum specialists, and educators alike.
Ressource Technical and Vocational Education and Training for the Twenty-First Century As economic, social and technological change gathers pace, people everywhere need to develop their knowledge and skills, on a continuous basis, so that they can live and work meaningfully in the knowledge society.
Ressource The Transition of Youth From School to Work: Issues & Policies This volume provides an international review of issues and programmes concerning the transition from school to work. It combines country-specific papers (Kenya, Korea, South Africa) and regional contributions (selected Latin American countries - Argentina, Brazil, Chile - and OECD countries).