Ressource Prevenção de Extremismo Violento O vídeo de 5 minutos apresenta algumas definições de PVE e faz referência ao papel da educação na promoção de ambientes inclusivos e equitativos, encorajando o pensamento crítico, promovendo a tolerância e o respeito pela tolerância.
Ressource منع التطرف العنيف من خلال التعليم - دليل لصانعي السيساسات This Guide targets education policy-makers, school staff and educators at large. It offers practical advice on what can be done within the education system, in schools and in all learning environments to support effective prevention measures.
Ressource Preventing violent extremism through education: a guide for policy-makers This Guide targets education policy-makers, school staff and educators at large. It offers practical advice on what can be done within the education system, in schools and in all learning environments to support effective prevention measures.
Ressource La Prévention de l'extrémisme violent par l'éducation: guide à l'intention des décideurs politiques Le présent guide s’adresse aux responsables de l’élaboration des politiques éducatives, au personnel scolaire et à l’ensemble des éducateurs. Il propose des conseils pratiques sur les actions à mener au sein du système éducatif, dans les écoles et dans tous les contextes d’apprentissage pour renforcer les mesures de prévention efficaces.
Ressource Education Inequality and Violent Conflict: Evidence and Policy Considerations Based on the quantitative evidence that rising inequalities in education can increase the risk of conflict, and consequently, experiencing conflict can exacerbate preexisting education inequality, the policy brief urges for greater attention to equity in education, particularly in conflict-affected and fragile settings.
Ressource A Teacher's Guide on the Prevention of Violent Extremism Violent extremism and the underlying forces of radicalization are among the most pervasive challenges of our time. With this concern in mind, this Guide was designed for teachers in upper primary, lower secondary and upper secondary education. It was also developed with the hope that it can support the efforts of teachers working in both formal and non-formal educational settings.
Ressource INEE Round Table: The Role of Education and Youth in Preventing Urban Violence and Countering Violent Extremism Background Documents, Case Studies, Presentations, and Final Report of the INEE Round Table on “The Role of Education and Youth in Preventing Urban Violence and Countering Violent Extremism," held on 21st October 2015 in Geneva, Switzerland.
Ressource Literature Review: Horizontal Inequality in Education and Violent Conflict This review examines existing literature on inequality and intrastate conflict, the role of educational inequality in conflict settings, and the linkages between theories of conflict and the role of schools in society, with a focus on inequalities between identity groups and subsequent intergroup violence.
Ressource Education Under Attack 2014 This resource is part of a collection of resources compiled by UNICEF’s 2012-2016 Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme (PBEA), known as "Learning for Peace", which was funded by the Government of the Netherlands.
Ressource L’éducation prise pour cible 2014 Une étude mondiale relative aux menaces ou au recours délibéré à la force à l’encontre des élèves, des enseignants, des universitaires, des fonctionnaires et syndicalistes de l’éducation, des travailleurs humanitaires et d’autres membres du personnel de l’éducation, et contre des écoles, des universités et d’autres établissements éducatifs.