Ressource Promising Practices in Refugee Education Synthesis Report Promising Practices in Refugee Education is a joint initiative launched in March 2017. The initiative set out to identify, document and promote innovative ways to effectively reach refugee children and young people with quality educational opportunities.
Ressource Desk Review of Programming Guidelines for Adolescents & Youth in Emergencies While a range of guidelines for engagement in Adolescent and Youth programming has been developed to date, there has not been any systematic consolidation or compilation of these resources nor has there been any review of the existing gaps in availability of practical guidance and tools.
Ressource Learning for Peace, Côte d’Ivoire: Transitional Justice Radio This project is part of UNICEF’s Learning for Peace programme. UNICEF has worked with young people across Côte d’Ivore to set up the “Action Justice and Peace” Network to engage in national reconciliation processes and train youth leaders to document young people’s experiences of the recent conflict.
Ressource Posicionamiento de las niñas y los niños sobre el Marco de Sendai para la reducción de riesgo Este material es parte de los resultados de la Campaña “Conozco y Opino sobre el Marco de Sendai” desarrollada en cinco países de América del Sur en el marco del Proyecto “Más Educación, Menos Riesgo” y recopila el posicionamiento de niños y niñas en torno a las acciones y prioridades planteadas en el Marco de Sendai para la reducción de riesgo de desastres.
Ressource Broken Promises, Displaced Afghan Girls Over 2016, more than 600,000 people were newly displaced in Afghanistan; half of whom were boys and girls and a large number of them are out-of-school. Education must now be acknowledged as a humanitarian priority in Afghanistan that warrants a coordinated and well- resourced response.
Ressource Don't Forget Us: Voices of Young Refugees and Migrants in Greece In September 2016, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and Mercy Corps conducted a joint assessment of the needs, vulnerabilities, protection risks and capacities of female and male adolescent and youth refugees and migrants transiting through Greece. The goal was to reflect their voices in order to better inform relevant policy and programme design.
Ressource Positive Youth Development Measurement Toolkit This toolkit provides implementers of youth programming a variety of references, resources, and tools on how to use a positive youth development (PYD) approach for evaluating youth-focused programming.
Ressource Kit De Herramietntas De Medicón Edición Del Desarrollo Positivo De La Juventud El kit de herramientas de medición del desarrollo positivo de la juventud proporciona orientación y recursos para implementadores de programas para jóvenes en LMIC, a fin de integrar los principios del PYD en sus sistemas de monitoreo y evaluación y para medir con eficiencia los resultados y los efectos del PYD dentro de los programas.
Ressource Youth in Fragile Situations: Promoting Youth Employment for Peace and Resilience More than 1.4 billion people currently live in areas affected by protracted conflicts and complex emergencies, which often extend over many years and significantly erode development gains. Under these circumstances, young people may be out of school or college and engage in jobs that are informal, unstable, underpaid, or even high-risk and harmful.
Ressource Jóvenes en Situaciones de Fragilidad: Promover el Empleo Juvenil para la Paz y la Resiliencia Más de 1.400 millones de personas viven actualmente en zonas afectadas por conflictos prolongados y emergencias complejas, que a menudo se extienden a lo largo de muchos años y erosionan significativamente los logros del desarrollo.