Desk Review of Programming Guidelines for Adolescents & Youth in Emergencies

While a range of guidelines for engagement in Adolescent and Youth programming has been developed to date, there has not been any systematic consolidation or compilation of these resources nor has there been any review of the existing gaps in availability of practical guidance and tools. To contribute to the closing of this gap, the four entities have undertaken a desk review, covering the following domains: Education, Health, Livelihoods, and Durable Solutions (repatriation, re-integration into the hosting country and resettlement). This publication provides a brief assessment of the most relevant programming guidelines dedicated (at least partially) to addressing the needs, concerns and aspirations of adolescents and youth in humanitarian crises. It presents a comprehensive mapping of practical guidance and related tools for humanitarians and communities to coordinate, plan, implement, monitor and evaluate essential actions for youth through all phases of an emergency. An overview of gaps in availability of guidance and tools is also included. The publication focuses on the four domains of Education, Health, Livelihoods and Durable Solutions as it relates to youth and offers a literature review of guidelines within each domain. Following a strict and uniformed methodology and selection process covering the period end of 2015 – end of 2016. Each relevant document is summarized and key learnings are presented, including an overview of gaps in the availability of guidance and tools. This desk review is considered a “joint work” by INEE, MYAN, NRC and RET International. All authors mentioned above thus own the copyrights to the work jointly and equally, and have agreed together to publish the work under a “Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike licence (CC BY-NC-SA)”.

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Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), RET International
Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (MYAN)


Adolescents and Youth