Ressource Cursos de formación docente ProFuturo Plataforma de ProFuturo para facilitar el aprendizaje digital de docentes, desde donde se puede acceder de manera gratuita, a más de 160 cursos y 2.800 horas de oferta formativa en distintos idiomas.
Evènement L’école et Covid-19: Transition et accompagnement des apprenant.e.s Le webinaire “l’école et Covid-19: Transition et accompagnement des élèves” propose un espace de discussion sur la pédagogie et l’accompagnement des apprenant.e.s pendant la crise sanitaire de Covid-19 avec un accent mis sur l’aspect psycho-social.
Ressource Supporting teacher and education personnel during times of crisis UNESCO issue note no.2.2 calling for the support of teachers wellbeing in times of crisis (including COVID-19).
Ressource Apoyar a los docentes y al personal educativo en tiempos de crisis La UNESCO aboga por que se brinde protección y apoyo a los maestros, directores de escuelas y demás personal educativo, y por que se reconozcan sus esfuerzos en la respuesta a la actual crisis sanitaria y después de ella.
Ressource Soutenir les enseignants et le personnel éducatif en temps de crise Ainsi, l’UNESCO plaide en faveur de la protection et du soutien des enseignants, des chefs d’établissement et des autres membres du personnel éducatif, ainsi que pour la reconnaissance de leurs efforts dans la réponse à la crise sanitaire en cours et au-delà.
Ressource Apoio a professores e pessoal da educação em tempos de crises A UNESCO defende, tanto agora como posteriormente, a proteção e o apoio a professores, diretores e outros profissionais da educação, assim como o reconhecimento de seus esforços nas respostas à atual crise de saúde.
Ressource Self-Care Strategies for Educators During the Coronavirus Crisis: Supporting Personal Social and Emotional Well-Being This brief is addressed to educators who face the stresses of the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting school closures, online service provision, and quarantine conditions. The brief offers practical information and guidance on self-care in these challenging times.
Ressource Three Principles to Support Teacher Effectiveness during COVID-19 Given the central role teachers play in student learning, this note outlines three key principles to help governments and their development partners in supporting teacher effectiveness during and in the aftermath of COVID-19. It discusses these principles in relation to the three phases of the World Bank’s COVID-19 education policy response.
Ressource Developing digital fluency among teacher educators: Evidence from Tanzanian Schools of Education This study explores how teacher educators develop digital fluency as a key competence in the contemporary world. The study established dimensions of digital fluency as a concept through reviewing the literature. The study was qualitative, with data collected through interviews with ninety educators, including the management of university schools of education.
Ressource Supporting teachers in back-to-school efforts: Guidance for policy-makers This document provides guidance to policy-makers on measures to support teachers and education staff when schools reopen, during and after the COVID-19 crisis