Ressource Staying Power: Struggling to reconstruct education in Burundi since 1993 Since the crisis of 1993, Burundi has been going through a period of instability and conflict and is still living under ongoing strife. The author analyzes decade-long survival strategies in the education sector during a period of conflict and the attempts made to salvage and rebuild the school system.
Ressource Another Way to Learn...Case Studies There are too many people who are impacted by poverty, poor housing, stigma and discrimination, unemployment, and ill health. Education and public services have not worked well for the marginalized and disadvantaged, who in turn do not always have the means to challenge the quality of education or provision they are offered.
Ressource Otra manera de aprender... Estudios de caso Hay muchas personas golpeadas por la pobreza, la vivienda subnormal, la estigmatización, la discriminación, el desempleo y la mala salud.
Ressource Las nuevas leyes de educación en América Latina: una lectura a la luz del panorama social y educativo de la región Publicación desarrollada en el marco del acuerdo de colaboración entre el IIPE de Buenos Aires y la CLADE que parte de la idea de que para exigir jurídicamente el derecho a la educación es necesario conocer los marcos legales que rigen los sistemas educativos de los distintos países de la región.
Ressource Outcome Report: Policy Roundtable on Education in Emergencies, Fragile States and Reconstruction: Addressing Challenges and Exploring Alternatives The Outcome Report includes the framing papers that were prepared for each objective in advance of the roundtable as well as the recommendations generated by each working group.
Ressource Educación y desarrollo local: Tensiones y perspectivas. Reflexiones sobre experiencias en la región andina Los diferentes textos presentados en esta publicación se refieren al papel de la educación en las estrategias del desarrollo local y fueron discutidos por los equipos de los proyectos, representantes de los gobiernos locales, autoridades educativas de la región, sindicalistas y docentes.
Ressource Fighting Back: Child and Community-led Strategies to Avoid Children's Recruitment into Armed Forces Fighting Back looks at the experiences of children living in conflict situations, and focuses on strategies to prevent the recruitment of children into armed groups.
Ressource Developing Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies Traditionally, education in emergency situations has been seen, not as a humanitarian priority, but as a long-term development activity. In recent years, however, awareness has increased of the need for non-formal and formal education programmes in emergency situations.
Ressource The American Convention on Human Rights The American Convention on Human Rights articulates the agreed upon human rights of the nations of the Americas. In addition it established the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights which were created to ensure that the nations are upholding the human rights articulated in the Convention.