Ressource Policy Paper 13: Aid Reductions Threaten Education Goals This paper shows that aid to education has been on a downward spiral since 2010, putting the achievement of existing and future global education goals at risk.
Ressource Private Sector Engagement in Education: Conflict-affected and Fragile Contexts The paper addresses three central questions: what are the narratives and practices around private sector engagement in education; how does that relate to conflict-affected and fragile contexts; and what are the critical considerations for the future?
Ressource Non à la violence faite aux filles en milieu scolaire Des évaluations récentes des interventions réussies, qui visaient à s’attaquer à la violence faite aux filles, ont conclu que la base de données probantes est limitée et qu’il existe un besoin évident de recherche solide ayant pour objectif d’éclairer ces interventions. La présente étude est l’une des premières tentatives mondiales destinées à combler ce déficit de connaissances.
Ressource Reshaping the International Education Agenda to Include Youth in Situations of Fragility and Crisis This position paper outlines how the post-2015 goals are being shaped, it identifies the progress already made in relation to youth education in fragility and crisis and highlights the remaining gaps. Its purpose was to lay the foundations for the discussions held during the INEE-RET Round Table held on 15 October 2013.
Ressource Education Cannot Wait: Plan, Prioritize, Protect Education in Crisis-Affected Contexts In September 2012, over 20 government and global humanitarian, development and education leaders representing Ministries of Education, UN agencies, key funding partners, the private sector and NGOs came together to validate the Education Cannot Wait: Call to Action
Ressource Humanitarian Funding is Failing Children This brief explores the key funding objective of the Education Cannot Wait Call to Action and focuses on analysis of global humanitarian funding for education in 2012, highlighting the key areas where funding fell short, its real impact in many crisis affected countries and what can and should be done to address this.
Ressource Guía para Gestión de Riesgos: Orientaciones para la preparación y la respuesta a emergencias y desastres - Ecuador Esta guía es el resultado del esfuerzo del Ministerio de Educación de Ecuador coordinado por la Dirección Nacional de Gestión de Riesgos. Tiene como objetivo recoger los avances que se han desarrollado en el sistema educativo en materia de gestión de riesgos, avances que implican retos y desafíos que los docentes, directivos y decisores políticos, deben abordar en los diferentes niveles.
Ressource Education Cannot Wait: Financing Education in Emergencies Challenges and Opportunities This 2013 analysis by the Global Education Cluster shows that an estimated 5.4 million beneficiaries missed out on education support due to under-funding of education in humanitarian appeals.
Ressource Viaje por el derecho à la educación Manual de Educação para o Desenvolvimento dedicado às questões do Direito à Educação
Ressource Addressing Perception in he Delivery of Education in Conflict and Crisis Equitable access to a quality education is a fundamental human right. It is also the foundation upon which true sustainable development must be built. “Education for All” (EFA) as a priority in conflict and crisis has become an increasingly popular focus of donors, practitioners, and researchers along the relief-to-development continuum.