Ressource Teacher Training Southern Sudan The program addresses “Teaching and Learning Standard 2: Training” by providing recognized, progressive, and participatory in-service training to current primary school and ECD teachers, with adaptations to meet challenges of the Southern Sudan context.
Ressource دليل للمعلمين:توقف العنف في المدارس "وقف العنف في المدارس: دليل للمعلمين" يتناول مختلف أشكال العنف التي قد تحدث في البيئة المدرسية، ويقدم اقتراحات عملية حول الخطوات التي يمكن للمعلمين اتخاذها للحد من هذه الظاهرة الضارة.
Ressource Stopping Violence in Schools: A Guide for Teachers “Stopping Violence in Schools: A Guide for Teachers” examines various forms of violence that take place in schools, and offers practical suggestions as to what teachers can do to prevent them.
Ressource Poner fin a la violencia en la escuela: Guía para docentes "Poner fin a la violencia en la escuela: Guía para docentes" examina diversas formas de violencia que tienen lugar en las escuelas y ofrece sugerencias prácticas sobre lo que pueden hacer los docentes para prevenirlas.
Ressource En finir avec la violence à l'école : Guide à l'intention des enseignants “En finir avec la violence à l'école : Guide à l'intention des enseignants” examine différentes formes de violence qui prennent place à l'école, et offre des suggestions pratiques sur ce que peut faire le personnel enseignant pour les prévenir.
Ressource Módulo de capacitación: Herramientas conceptuales y metodológicas para la incorporación de la GRD en la currícula Módulo de capacitación que atiende una de las necesidades centrales expresadas por los ministerios de Educación de los países andinos (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú) en relación a la formación de docentes en gestión de riesgos que permita un abordaje pertinente y apropiado del tema en las aulas, asentando con ello la concreción de la inserción curricular en el ámbito regional y local.
Ressource Effective Teaching and Classroom Management is about the Whole-Child-and Whole-School Development During the past years – as an outcome of the UN Study on Violence against Children - Save the Children (SC) has focused much of its protection and education work on physical and psychological punishment in and around schools. Singling out punishment issues from its context of effective teaching and classroom management may have resulted in less impact than expected.
Ressource Language and Education: The Missing Link A range of experts argue that how language is used in schools for delivering the curriculum is an important factor in whether or not children succeed in education.
Ressource Teaching History after Identity-Based Conflicts: The Rwanda Experience This case study discusses the politics of teaching history in post-genocide Rwanda and highlights lesson on the complexity of teaching history in post-conflict contexts. It also illustrates the relationship between political objectives and history.
Ressource Mother Tongue-based Literacy Programmes: Case Studies of Good Practice in Asia This publication presents success stories from mother tongue-based literacy programmes in seven Asian countries.