Evènement Accelerated Education: Lessons Learned from Sub-Saharan Africa This webinar focuses on findings from a study that the Accelerated Education Working Group conducted in DRC, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda, where multi-year education projects are being funded by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development under its Building Resilience in Conflict through Education initiative.
Ressource تكثيف منهج دراسي ُ للتعليـم المتسـارع: شـامــل ٌ دلـيــل ٌ من الألف إلى الياء يهدف هذا الدليل الي تعزيز المنهج الدراسي للتعليم السريع: "دليل من الألف إلى الياء" يهدف الي مساعدة ودعم وزارات التربية والتعليم، وشركاء التنمية، والمنظمات المنفذة لانشطة ومشاريع التعليم المتسارع - وهو منهج يعطي الأولوية للمعرفة والمهارات الأولية ويعززها - لتوجيه ودعم التدريس والتعلم القائم على التعليم المتسارع.
Ressource Condensing a Curriculum for Accelerated Education: An A to Z Guide The purpose of this guide, Condensing a Curriculum for Accelerated Education: An A to Z Guide, is to help Ministries of Education (MoE), development partners, and implementing organisations develop a comprehensive AE curriculum—a curriculum that prioritises and condenses primary level knowledge and skills—to guide and support teaching and learning in AEPs.
Ressource Cómo condensar un plan de estudios para la educación acelerada: guía exhaustiva El propósito de esta guía es ayudar a los Ministerios de Educación (ME), a los socios para el desarrollo y a las organizaciones implementadoras a elaborar un currículo completo de EA -un currículo que priorice y condense los conocimientos y las habilidades del nivel primario- para orientar y apoyar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en los PEA.
Ressource Condenser un programme pédagogique pour l’éducation accélérée : guide complet L'objectif de ce guide, Condenser un programme pédagogique pour l'éducation accélérée : un guide complet, est d'aider les ministères de l'éducation (MdE), les partenaires du développement et les organisations de mise en œuvre à développer un programme pédagogique complet pour l'EA afin de guider et de soutenir l'enseignement et l'apprentissage dans les PEA.
Ressource Refugee Status, Gender and Learning This data report provides details from a survey of applicants to the Norwegian Refugee Council’s Accelerated Education Program in Northern Uganda, 2020.
Ressource Guia de Adaptación del Currículo en Situaciones de Emergencia La “Guía de Adaptación del Currículo en Emergencias” presenta orientaciones para el proceso de adaptación del mismo en un escenario de emergencia o desastre, orientada por los siguientes propósitos
Ressource Evaluation of NRC's Accelerated Learning Programme in Liberia The evaluation aimed to address the issue of quality education against the accelerated nature of learning in ALP. Focus is also on the added value of the complementary components of the ALP in Liberia, such as providing flexible classes for young mothers and adult literacy for parents in the communities where ALP was running. The evaluation also debates the sustainability of the program.
Ressource Accelerated Learning in Post-Conflict Settings Based on the initiatives described in these documents, this paper summarises the main elements affecting the design and implementation of accelerated learning programmes in post-conflict settings and identifies best practices and pitfalls.