4 INEE web events in 1 week!
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Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)
Research and Evidence
Accelerated Education Program (AEP)
Levels of Learning - Early Childhood Development
We are pleased to let you know that we have four - YES, 4!! - free, English-language web events happening during the week of June 8th!
Click the titles for more information.
- Monday, 8 June, 10-10:45am EDT
E-Cubed Research Fund Q&A
- Tuesday, 9 June, 9-10:30am EDT
Latest evidence for Accelerated Education (reg. required)
- Wednesday, 10 June, 10-11:30am EDT
Strengthening the Global EiE Data Architecture (reg. required)
- Thursday, 11 June, 9:30-11:00am EDT
Crisis of Care and Learning: ECD and COVID-19 (reg. required)
We hope you take advantage of these varied and excellent opportunities.