Capacity Development and Organizational Change: In Support of Conflict-Sensitive Education

This literature review was commissioned by ECCN as part of a larger research consultancy, undertaken in partnership with INEE, which aimed to better understand the process of building institutional capacity for conflict sensitive education (CSE) programming. Other components of the consultancy included:

  • Documentation and assessment of the process of CSE training (both a Training of Trainers workshop held in Amman Jordan in June 2017 and subsequent training in selected contexts);
  • Analysis of the extent to which CSE concepts and approaches were adapted, internalized, and institutionalized into policy and practice of ToT organizations and government agencies;
  • Identification of lessons learned and good practices on the implementation of CSE roll-out within particular contexts;
  • Recommendations for future INEE capacity development work on CSE.

A detailed project report with research findings was submitted to INEE in 2019. A summary of research findings from the above components has been published by ECCN under the title Conflict Sensitive Education Training and Institutionalization: Summary Findings from a 2017-18 Research Study on the Outcomes of an INEE CSE Training Workshop.

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Education in Crisis & Conflict Network (ECCN), Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)


Conflict Sensitive Education
Professional Development