Round Table

Alliance-INEE Round Table: A Framework for Collaboration between Child Protection and Education in Humanitarian Contexts

Organisateur :
Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)
22 décembre 2024 ()
Nairobi, Kenya
Child Protection
Adolescents and Youth

The Inter-agency Network of Education in Emergencies (INEE) and the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (the Alliance), in partnership with Elevate Children Funders Group and International Education Funders Group, are co-hosting this roundtable. The theme for this event is “Integrated programming across Child Protection and Education in humanitarian settings”.

As part of this initiative, we have invited humanitarian actors to share their experiences and/or innovative ideas related to integrated programming across the two sectors in humanitarian/emergency contexts. This event is a forum where practitioners, researchers, donors, and policy makers can gather to learn from each other and be kept abreast of new developments in both sectors.

Click to read the final report, programme, or session abstracts.

Objectives of the Alliance-INEE Round Table:

  • To articulate the advantages of systematic collaboration across child protection and education in humanitarian settings;
  • To review/discuss innovative examples of collaboration across child protection and education humanitarian settings;
  • To elaborate on what we know and to highlight knowledge gaps regarding collaboration between the two sectors;
  • To identify and discuss bottlenecks/obstacles to collaboration at different levels and to propose solutions for resolving them; and
  • To identify key recommendations and action points for actors at different levels, towards more systematic collaboration across the two sectors.

From more than 60 submitted abstracts, the Alliance and INEE selected 17 presenters, covering topics including enhancing the safety of educational facilities in emergencies, integrating sport and play into schools to increase protection outcomes and identifying programming elements that support successful integration.

Click here to watch recorded livestreams from key sessions.