INEE Thematic Issue Brief: HIV and AIDS

HIV related risk factors, such as threats which are present in the environment (HIV prevalence, a culture of violence, or gender-based violence) and individual vulnerabilities (poverty, powerlessness, disability, being part of a discriminated group) may be introduced or exacerbated during emergencies, therefore increasing the risk of HIV infection. For an effective approach, all education actors should integrate HIV in their programme activities and preparedness plans, and HIV and AIDS needs to be mainstreamed in national education sector plans and budgets, school and teacher training curricula and school health coordination mechanisms. A number of preparedness actions should also be taken which can enable rapid implementation of a minimum prevention and response to gender-based violence (GBV) and discrimination, along with other HIV related risk factors particular to the context.

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Publié par

Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

