ERICC Research Agenda for Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh
Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh remains one of the world’s most difficult places for education delivery in conflict and protracted crises, as Rohingya communities who fled state violence in Myanmar face multiple barriers to education access, quality, and continuity under a coherent system. Despite this situation, there is a critical lack of systematic evidence on the development, implementation, and impact of education interventions among host and Rohingya communities. Informed by the ERICC Conceptual Framework and consultations with local stakeholders, our research agenda tackles the problem by developing a series of studies on three key aspects of education in Cox’s Bazar: ongoing responses to the recently introduced Myanmar curriculum, the current role of madrasas and their potential as partners for education interventions, and an analysis on continuing education for girls and older adolescents. These studies will collect novel data on little-understood areas of education in host and refugee communities, fill knowledge gaps at policy system and local system levels, and provide much-needed insights to inform policy and research on education under conflict and protracted crises in Cox’s Bazar and beyond.