Teach for Climate Action: An Advocacy Toolkit on Climate Change Education for Educators and Their Unions
This toolkit grew out of E4SD: Educators for Sustainable Development, the campaign of Education International Asia-Pacific (EIAP) Region calling upon governments to urgently prioritise the provision of quality climate change education (CCE) for all.
It is for teachers, educators, and education unionists. It works for both those who have some experience campaigning for or teaching climate change and those who want to start this work by learning some tips for use in the classroom or in their respective trade unions.
The need for CCE is as urgent as ever. This toolkit aims to contribute to educators’ and education unionists’ skills and baseline knowledge in this regard. This toolkit is meant to be neither comprehensive nor prescriptive. Instead, it builds on existing research, analyses of needs and constraints, and best practices. The most it hopes to achieve is to serve as a stepping stone for developing context- and user-specific plans for CCE-focused advocacy.
It is structured and designed to provide an accessible introduction to climate education. Each section can be used as a standalone guide that users can complement with up-to-date examples and knowledge of their local contexts.
- The first part introduces CCE within the framework of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and details the work done on it in Asia and the Pacific.
- The second part, addressed to teachers and educators, offers an overview of approaches to and curricular vision of CCE in a learning environment. It is organised according to general learning topics to be covered, and a list of readings, resources and training guides for each topic are provided by hyperlink for those interested to delve into applicable approaches and learning materials. This part of the toolkit also features case studies and examples of best practices.
- The third part guides education unionists in their campaigns for the inclusion of CCE in their respective country’s national education plans and climate action agenda.
Educators and education unionists may choose to read and digest the toolkit in its entirety or select material from sections that they believe are relevant to their efforts to strengthen climate education.