Recurso Attacks on Education Dataset This dataset is provided by the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA) from its Education under Attack database which monitors attacks on schools, universities, students, and educators, by armed forces and armed groups, as well as military use of education institutions.
Recurso UNICEF Middle East and North Africa Data Portal The UNICEF Middle East and North Africa’s Data Portal provides a compilation of high-quality, internationally comparable statistics reflecting the situation of children in the 20 countries of the Middle East and North Africa, including regional averages
Recurso African Education Research Database The AERD is a curated collection of research undertaken in the past decade by scholars based in sub-Saharan Africa. The database includes social science research with implications for educational policy and practice, understood in the context of the global priorities and targets expressed in SDG4.
Recurso Joint Data Center on Forced Displacement The JDC aims to improve the availability socioeconomic data and evidence on populations affected by forced displacement through a range of activities that improve the quality of data analysis and production.
Recurso Khan Academy Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom
Recurso Teaching about Refugees This page contains a collection of UNHCR teaching materials on refugees, asylum and migration for primary and secondary education, as well as some guidance for teachers working with refugee children in the classroom.
Recurso The Humanitarian Programme Cycle The Humanitarian Programme Cycle refers to a series of actions undertaken in the management of international humanitarian response operations. These must be conducted, to the extent possible, in collaboration with and in support of national and local authorities.
Recurso El ciclo del programa humanitario El Ciclo del Programa Humanitario se refiere a una serie de acciones emprendidas en la gestión de operaciones internacionales de respuesta humanitaria. Estas deben llevarse a cabo, en la medida de lo posible, en colaboración y en apoyo de las autoridades nacionales y locales.
Evento Table Ronde : Bilan et futur des échanges de la CLF de l’INEE 2024 Nous vous invitons à une séance de réflexion sur ce qui vous a convenu ou non en 2023, pour planifier ensemble et plus harmonieusement des activités collectives. UTC
Evento Orientation to the Guidance Note on Supporting Integrated Approaches to Child Protection and Education Programming INEE and the Alliance for Child Protection invite you to a webinar on the recently released Guidance Note for Supporting Integrated Child Protection and Education Programming in Humanitarian Acton. UTC