Noticias Critical Policy Advice for President-Elect Biden: Leading a Global Response on the Rohingya Crisis As President, Joe Biden has pledged to pursue a foreign policy based on moral values and cooperation, an approach that prioritizes decency and the protection of human rights. This pledge will be immediately tested by the ongoing repercussions of one of the worst mass atrocities in recent history, the genocide committed by the state of Myanmar against the Rohingya. But there is a way forward.
Blog Hip Hop and Testimony The interests and concerns of local populations often come alive in informal and improvisational communication. The feedback and complaints mechanisms, data collection instruments, and information flows for complex emergencies do not account for this.
Blog The Color of Crisis Response Around the world, people of color are often depicted as ‘victims of crisis.’ They are therefore recognized as people who must be rescued more often than people who are part of the crisis response.
Noticias L’UNESCO et ses partenaires lancent le Centre mondial de Genève sur l’éducation en situation d’urgence Le 25 janvier, à l’occasion de la Journée internationale de l’éducation, l’UNESCO et ses partenaires ont lancé le Centre mondial de Genève sur l’éducation en situation d’urgence, un projet ambitieux qui vise à réduire la fragmentation des efforts et à accroître l’espace politique, technique et de financement dédié à l’édu
Noticias Q&A: Why we Must Invest in Educating Children in Crisis-Hit Burkina Faso IPS Correspondent Jamila Akweley Okertchiri speaks to Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Director YASMINE SHERIF about the new multi-year programme that aims to provide education to over 800,000 children and adolescents in crisis-affected areas in Burkina Faso
Blog [تقرير جديد] تعليم اللاجئين خلال كوفيد ١٩: الأزمة والفرصة يجمع ويعرض هذا التقرير نتائج خمس فعاليات افتراضية نظمتها الشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ والتي اطلق عليها اسم: "الطاولة المستديرة لتعليم اللاجئين". عقدت هذه الفعاليات بالغات اللآيني الخمسة (العربية والإنجليزية والفرنسية والاسبانية والبرتغالية) وذلك في شهر يوليو من عام ٢٠٢٠. أبرزت هذه التجمعات الافتراضية التحديات والتوصيات المتعلقة بتعليم اللاجئين، كما ومنحت صوتاً للاجئين الشباب
Blog [New Report] Refugee education during COVID-19: Crisis and opportunity This report synthesises the outcomes of five INEE refugee round table events, held in July 2020, highlighting challenges and recommendations, and giving voice to young refugees.
Blog [Nuevo Informe] Educación para refugiados durante el COVID-19: crisis y oportunidades En este informe se sintetizan los resultados de cinco mesas redondas de la INEE sobre refugiados mantenidas en julio del 2020, destacando los desafíos y las recomendaciones y dando voz a los jóvenes refugiados.
Blog [Nouveau rapport] L'éducation des réfugiés pendant la COVID-19 : crise et possibilités Ce rapport est la synthèse des résultats de cinq tables rondes sur les réfugiés organisées par l’INEE en juillet 2020, soulignant les défis et les recommandations et donnant la parole aux jeunes réfugiés.
Blog [Novo Relatório] Educação de pessoas refugiadas durante a COVID-19: Crise e oportunidade Este relatório apresenta a síntese dos resultados do ciclo de cinco conversas da INEE sobre educação de pessoas refugiadas, realizadas em julho de 2020, destacando os desafios e as recomendações, e dando voz às e aos jovens refugiados.