INEE's 20th Anniversary
Stories: What does education in emergencies (EiE) mean to you?
As part of INEE's 20th anniversary commemoration, we collected stories (essays, photos, and videos) from INEE members and those they work with (learners, youth, teachers, caregivers, etc.) on how education in the midst of crisis and upheaval has made a difference.
Members were asked to tell stories about:
- Your INEE experience and what INEE means to you
- Your area of work in the EiE sector (e.g. refugee education, girls’ education, inclusive education, psycho-social support, etc.)
- Progress you have seen or challenges you have faced in supporting EiE
- How COVID-19 has affected education in your context
- Why governments need to provide education during and after conflicts and/or disasters
Scroll through the list of Stories below and click to learn more.
- INEE Member Voices: Cleopatra Chipuriro
Cleopatra Chipuriro, Afghanistan [En] - INEE Member Voices: Ali Iskan
Ali Iskan, Syria [Ar] - INEE Member Voices: Elena Caballero
Elena Caballero, Paraguay [Es] - INEE Member Voices: Júlio Santos
Júlio Santos, Portugal [Pt] - INEE Member Voices: Sonya Ibraheem
Sonya Ibraheem, Syria [Ar] - INEE Member Voices: Dipa Das
Dipa Das, Bangladesh [En] - INEE Member Voices: Giovana Santillán
Giovana Santillán, Peru [Es] - INEE Member Voices: Fadi Hammami
Fadi Hammami, Syria [Ar] - INEE Helps in Planning: From Just Planning to Planning Justly
Syed Israr Ali, Pakistan [En] - Promoting Inclusive Education and Early Childhood Care and Development for Burundian Refugee Youth
Lugano Maclean, Tanzania [En] - La Educacíon De Cada Niño(a) Importa
Maria Armida Ramirez, El Salvador [Es] - An Asylum Seeker's experience of education in the United Kingdom
Jáfia Naftali Câmara, United Kingdom [En] - Why governments need to provide education during and after conflicts and/or disasters
Emily Buyaki, Malawi [En] - A Zimbabwean girl’s story during COVID-19 induced school break
Memory Mandikiani, Zimbabwe [En] - Supporting Girls in their Pursuit of Education - Stories' from the Girls Education Challenge
Elisabetta Naborri, Kenya & Uganda [En] - Building Teacher Capacity - Training Teachers to be Resilient, Adaptable, and Ambitious
Victoria Pendry, South Sudan [En] - The New School Year and Relief International’s Commitment to Vulnerable Afghan Students
Samira Faridmanesh, Iran [En] - Global Higher Education at the Margins during a Global Pandemic
Melissa Hauber-Özer, Global [En] - Teachers at work supporting the Ministry’s Learning Continuity program
Ahmed Alqadhi, Yemen [En, Ar]
Click to visit INEE's Flickr account and explore a collection of photos from our members!
Click here to view our playlist of member voices and stories on Youtube!