الموارد SDG4 scorecard progress report on national benchmarks: focus on early childhood Three in four countries have submitted benchmarks, or national targets, to be achieved by 2025 and 2030 for at least some of seven SDG 4 indicators: early childhood education attendance, out-of-school rates, completion rates, gender gaps in completion rates, minimum proficiency rates in reading and mathematics, trained teachers and public education expenditure. This report provides the first annual snapshot of country progress towards these national targets.
الموارد Tablero de Control para el ODS 4 Informe Sobre el Progreso Hacia los Puntos de Referencia Nacionales: Atención a la Primera Infancia Tres de cada cuatro países han presentado puntos de referencia, o metas nacionales, para 2025 y 2030 en al menos siete indicadores del ODS 4, a saber. El presente informe ofrece una primera impresión anual del progreso de los países hacia la consecución de estas metas nacionales.
الموارد Tableau de Bordpour l’ODD 4 Rapport d’étape sur les Points de Référence Nationaux : Priorité à la Petite Enfance Trois pays sur quatre ont proposé des points de référence, ou cibles nationales, à atteindre d’ici à 2025 et 2030 pour au moins plusieurs des sept indicateurs de l’ODD 4. Le présent rapport offre le premier aperçu annuel des progrès accomplis par les pays vers l’atteinte de ces cibles nationales.
الموارد Humanitarian Action Humanitarian Action provides a comprehensive overview of the humanitarian landscape by providing both an annual snapshot complemented by analysis, and live data on on humanitarian crises and response.
مدونة Call for Evidence and Learning: Strengthening crisis and risk-related data and institutional education information systems We are thrilled to announce UNESCO’s second call for evidence and learning on strengthening education information systems and improved data in emergencies and protracted crises (EiEPC).
الموارد Using Learning Assessment Data for Educational Planning in Sub-Saharan Africa: A comparative analysis The new IIEP-UNESCO publication compares data from The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Namibia, Senegal, and Zambia to explore the complex dynamics of the use of learning data, examining among other factors, the interactions among the different actors.
الموارد The real lives behind the data: Children with disabilities in education across Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and the occupied Palestinian territory This factsheet presents six stories from children with disabilities, collected by Humanity & Inclusion in Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and the occupied Palestinian territory.
الموارد Navigating Ethical Dilemmas in Education in Emergencies (EiE): A Compendium of Vignettes for Research & Practice In conducting program, research, and/or evaluation activities in the EiE field, individuals may find themselves unprepared to address the ethical dilemmas that inevitably arise in these settings. To bridge this gap, a group of researchers, practitioners, and graduate students curated a collection of 18 short vignettes based on the real-life challenges and ethical dilemmas they faced.
الموارد Data Disaggregation for Inclusive Quality Education in Emergencies: The COVID-19 Experience in Ghana In this field note, Abdul Badi Sayibu considers the phone-based surveys that Plan International used to assess the reach of and participation in its Making Ghanaian Girls Great Program. He suggests this is a viable method for collecting sex-disaggregated data in vulnerable and hard-to-reach contexts, and for facilitating rapid analyses of data for EiE program decisionmaking.
الموارد الاتجاهات العالمية: النزوح القسري في عام 2021 استمرارًا لاتجاه تصاعدي مثير للقلق استمر عقدًا من الزمن، ارتفع عدد الأشخاص الذين أجبروا على الفرار بسبب الاضطهاد والصراع والعنف وانتهاكات حقوق الإنسان والأحداث التي تزعج النظام العام بشكل خطير إلى 89.3 مليونًا بحلول نهاية عام 2021. وهذا أكثر من ضعف الرقم البالغ 42.7 مليونًا. مليون شخص ظلوا نازحين قسراً حتى نهاية عام 2012، وهو ما يمثل زيادة حادة بنسبة 8 % لما يقرب من 7 ملايين شخص في غضون 12 شهراً فقط.