الموارد Ordinary Solidarities: Re-Reading Refugee Education Response Through an Anticolonial Discursive Framework Drawing on a three-year case study of one faith-based school in Lebanon, this paper explores how one ordinary school in a refugee hostile transit country secured and protected the right to education for refugee children from Syria, within a significant broader context of multiple compounding crises.
أخبار What’s the ‘Flagship Initiative’, and how might it transform emergency aid? You may not have heard of it yet, but many in the humanitarian aid sector are abuzz with anticipation about what is being referred to – in typically functional aidspeak – as the “Emergency Relief Coordinator’s Flagship Initiative”.
الموارد ERICC Inception Report The Education Research in Conflict and Protracted Crisis (ERICC) Research Programme Consortium is a global research and learning partnership that strives to transform education policy and practice in conflict and protracted crisis around the world, through building a global hub for rigorous, context-relevant and actionable evidence base.
مدونة Ukraine Crisis Resources The following resources support the provision of education, and the psychosocial support and wellbeing of learners, teachers, and those who have been affected by the crisis in Ukraine. This collection is mostly composed of materials available in languages relevant to the crisis in Ukraine, and more resources will be added as they become available
الموارد Education in emergencies research partnerships through the looking glass In this paper, we reflect on the historical and ongoing legacies of (neo)colonialism and imperialism in education in emergencies (EiE) research and practice using collaborative auto-ethnography. Specifically, we explore how we’ve experienced hierarchies of power, positionality and privilege, and how we’ve benefited and/or been victims of this in the past.
الموارد Education in Emergencies: an urgent right This brief analyzes why education is an urgent right in a context with growing humanitarian needs.
الموارد La educación en emergencias: el derecho urgente Este informe es la primera carta de presentación de Educo sobre la Educación en Emergencias, y en el se analiza por qué es un derecho urgente en un contexto con crecientes necesidades humanitarias.
الموارد Humanitarian Education Accelerator Learning Synthesis Through reviewing and reflecting on the experience of the HEA and connecting it to system level perspectives, the Synthesis seeks to present lessons learnt, good practices and recommendations that can support the scaling of humanitarian education innovations.
مدونة Recursos para a resposta aos sismos na Turquia e na Síria Uma lista de recursos para apoiar a oferta de educação, o apoio psicossocial e o bem-estar de estudantes, professoras/es e de todas as pessoas que foram afetadas pelos sismos na Turquia e na Síria.
مدونة Türkiye and Syria Earthquake Response Resources A list of resources to support the provision of education, and the psychosocial support and wellbeing of learners, teachers, and those who have been affected by the earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria.