مدونة Youth Voices: COVID-19’s impact on basic education in Kenya Students from Githunguri High School in Kenya give their perspectives on the challenges and opportunities of pursuing their education during COVID-19.
مدونة Aplicación de nomas de educación en emergencias para el retorno a clases en Bolivia El viernes 20 de mayo 2022, con la participación de 226 docentes y actores humanitarios, se logró “Contribuir a identificar buenas prácticas para la contención y respuesta al COVID 19, en el retorno a clases; aplicando normas y protocolos para la educación segura, en Bolivia”.
مدونة Apertura de las escuelas y retos a enfrentar A partir del 29 de agosto del 2022 en México estará iniciando un nuevo ciclo escolar, la mayoría de las escuelas tienen un calendario similar. Durante 10 a 11 meses se tendrá un devenir de actividades académicas para intentar llevar un ciclo escolar con actividades presenciales “en una nueva normalidad”.
مدونة Alternative Ways to Continue ECD Interventions During COVID: Learning Form UNICEF Funded EIE Project of Plan International Bangladesh This blog, written by INEE member Md. Ramjan Ali, provides an overview of some alternative initiatives of Plan International Bangladesh to continue Early Childhood Development during COVID-19.
الموارد Actividades claves para el buen retorno a la escuela - Perú El presente documento elaborado por la oficina de UNESCO en Perú busca que las y los directivos y gestores educativos tengan un panorama completo de aquello que es necesario tomar en cuenta para lograr un buen retorno a la escuela, mediante una respuesta integral a las consecuencias y efectos de la pandemia.
الموارد Recuperación de la educación después del COVID-19: Cómo abordar la pérdida El propósito de este documento es abordar los desafíos de la recuperación de la pérdida de aprendizaje ante las consecuencias de la crisis sanitaria en el mundo, y específicamente en los países KIX LAC, y proponer recomendaciones para afrontar la pérdida de aprendizaje debida a la pandemia.
الموارد Education for Life: Well-being and Resilience in South Sudan and Uganda This report documents the mixed-methods, multi-site, cross-border, and longitudinal research study carried out under the auspices of the Building Resilience in Crisis through Education (BRiCE) initiative. The study focused on two key interventions—the accelerated education (AE) program and teacher education and professional development (TEPD) activities.
الموارد Editorial Note: Journal on Education in Emergencies Volume 8, Number 2 Carine Allaf, Julia Dicum, and Ruth Naylor, the lead editors of this Special Issue on Gender in Education in Emergencies, reflect on the key questions that shaped the scope and development of this issue and summarize the learning presented in each article.
الموارد Barriers to Refugee Adolescents’ Educational Access during COVID-19: Exploring the Roles of Gender, Displacement, and Social Inequalities Nicola Jones and coauthors share insights they gained from 3,030 student surveys and 40 key informant interviews on the compounding effects COVID-19 has had on existing legal and cultural barriers to education access for Rohingya and Syrian refugees. They specifically note the exacerbating effects the pandemic has had on girls’ enrollment.
الموارد Girls’ and Boys’ Voices on the Gendered Experience of Learning during COVID-19 in Countries Affected by Displacement In a study of ten countries, Nicole Dulieu, Silvia Arlini, Mya Gordon, and Allyson Krupar suggest that displaced boys who reported learning “nothing” or “a little bit” during COVID-19 school closures tied these perceptions to feeling sad or worried, and to increased violence at home. Girls more often connected their feelings about learning less during COVID with material and economic barriers.