Education for Life: Well-being and Resilience in South Sudan and Uganda

This report documents the mixed-methods, multi-site, cross-border, and longitudinal research study carried out under the auspices of the Building Resilience in Crisis through Education (BRiCE) initiative. The study focused on two key interventions—the accelerated education (AE) program and teacher education and professional development (TEPD) activities. The study examined the most salient aspects of well-being for teachers and learners, how program interventions (specifically AE and TEPD) contributed to student and teacher well-being, and how teacher well-being and student well-being interact with one another and with the broader community. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and prolonged disruptions to both schooling and project activities, the study also explored how the global health crisis influenced AE teachers' professional and personal experiences, as well as their observations and perceptions of the effect of the pandemic on their learners.

See also the related Methodological Reflections Brief and Impact of COVID-19 Research Brief.

Resource Info

Resource Type



Published by

Teachers College, Columbia University

Authored by

Mary Mendenhall, Ed.D., Danielle Falk, Daniel Shephard


Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Research and Evidence
Teacher Professional Development
Teacher Wellbeing

Geographic Focus

South Sudan