الموارد Note d’orientation 5, Retour à l’école Cette note fait partie d'une série destinée à vous accompagner pendant la crise de Covid-19.
حدث Education post-COVID 19 : High-Level Political Forum 2020 side event Organized by UNESCO, SDG-Education 2030 Steering Committee, with support from Group of Friends for Education and Lifelong Learning the virtual side event of the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) 2020 will bring together multilateral institutions, national governments, civil society actors, teachers, foundations, private sector and youth advocates around 3 objectives.
الموارد Retour à l’école- Présentation et témoignages autour du Guide du praticien inter-agences “Retour à l’école en sécurité” Le webinaire “retour à l’école” propose un espace de discussion pour présenter le guide "Retour à l'école en sécurité: guide du praticien" et ses principes clés. C’est autour de cet outil que seront axées les présentations et témoignages de différentes agences ayant travaillé au développement du guide.
الموارد Guidance Notes on reopening schools in the context of COVID-19 for school administrators and principals in Latin America and the Caribbean These guidance notes contain a series of indications to support school administrators/directors in taking the necessary steps before and during the process of reopening schools; likewise, when schools remain open, it must be ensured that children are not at risk of contracting or spreading the virus and that their parents feel confident in sending their children to school.
الموارد Notas de orientación sobre la reapertura de las escuelas en el contexto de COVID-19 para los administradores y directores escolares en América Latina y el Caribe Estas notas de orientación contienen una serie de indicaciones para apoyar a los administradores /directores de escuela con el fin de tomar las medidas necesarias antes y durante el proceso de la reapertura de las escuelas.
الموارد COVID-19 and School Safety – Comprehensive School Safety Framework Pillar 2: School Disaster Management The Global Alliance for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience in the Education Sector (GADRRRES) is organising a series of three webinars dedicated to COVID-19 and school safety aiming to provide recommendations to practitioners. This second presentation is focused on Comprehensive School Safety Framework Pillar 2: School Disaster Management.
الموارد Regreso seguro a la escuela: una guía para la práctica Regreso seguro a la escuela: una guía para la práctica
الموارد Safe Back to School: A practitioner’s guide An inter-agency webinar on the Safe back to School: A Practitioner's Guide hosted by the East Africa Regional EiE Working Group
الموارد Framework for Safe Reopening of Schools: Iraq The purpose of this document is to assist education partners to prepare for the eventual re-opening of schools and to make suggestions on how partners can support the Ministries of Education and the Directorates of Education to keep children safe. The document concludes with a checklist which every partner should use daily as they plan their education interventions.
الموارد Retour à l’école en sécurité: Guide du praticien Ce guide aide les équipes de programme à planifier un processus intégré et participatif pour la réouverture sécurisée des écoles.