الموارد COVID-19: Vías para la vuelta al aprendizaje A medida que los sistemas educativos retoman la actividad y apoyan a los estudiantes en su vuelta, hay cuatro respuestas que resultan más pertinentes para la vuelta al aprendizaje: tiempo de instrucción ampliado, programas de recuperación, educación de refuerzo y programas de educación acelerada (PEA).
الموارد COVID-19: Des voies pour renouer avec l’école Alors que les systèmes éducatifs commencent à rouvrir leurs établissements et à inciter les élèves à y retourner, quatre mesures s’avèrent être particulièrement pertinentes à la reprise des cours : la prolongation du temps d’enseignement, les programmes de rattrapage, les cours de soutien et les programmes d’éducation accélérée (PEA).
مدونة COVID-19 challenges are far greater in pre-existing crisis contexts For children and youth living in countries affected by humanitarian crises that pre-date the COVID-19 pandemic, the challenges and risks are disproportionately greater.
مدونة COVID-19 and the INEE Minimum Standards How to use the INEE Minimum Standards during COVID-19. We are committed to using our tools and collective wisdom, gained over the past few decades, to respond together to this global emergency.
مدونة COVID-19 e Requisitos Mínimos para a Educação Como usar os Requisitos Mínimos para a Educação da INEE durante a pandemia da COVID-19. Comprometemo-nos a usar as nossas ferramentas e sabedoria, co-construídas ao longo das últimas décadas, para responder a esta emergência à escala global.
حدث Skills development during the COVID-19 pandemic and preparing for recovery This UNESCO webinar on skills development during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic builds on country experiences already shared in the previous UNESCO webinars, which have tackled several dimensions of education policy responses
مدونة Repurposing established radio and audio series to address the COVID-19 educational crises This article highlights and advises on the issues that relate to adapting and updating previously developed IAI programs, including how to orient current audiences to listen and learn in new ways (e.g. "Learning in the Time of Ebola").
مدونة Lessons Learned about Remote Learning from Liberia’s Ebola Crisis What can we do to continue educating students, while protecting everyone’s health and safety?
مدونة How to ensure everyone can continue learning amid the coronavirus situation With more than 1.5 billion children and youth impacted by COVID-19 related school closures, there has been a push to explore online and digital resources to promote continuity via virtual learning.
مدونة Radio Education: Physical Distance but Social Solidarity No one expects that the impact of school closures can be completely eliminated – they are a significant disruption – but the negative impact can be minimized if children are able to continue learning. Radio broadcast is one way to do that.