الموارد Guidance Note: Reading and Learning During Global Emergencies This GBA Guidance Note provides a roadmap for ensuring access to age and language-appropriate reading materials for the poorest and most vulnerable, both during the COVID-19 crisis, and beyond.
الموارد Supporting Continued Access to Education during COVID-19: Emerging Promising Practices Issue 2 In this edition of “Emerging promising practices” we highlight the efforts that UNHCR and partners have taken to support refugee learners and students to continue their education and to support families and caregivers who have had to temporarily assume the role of teachers.
الموارد Retour à l’école- Présentation et témoignages autour du Guide du praticien inter-agences “Retour à l’école en sécurité” Le webinaire “retour à l’école” propose un espace de discussion pour présenter le guide "Retour à l'école en sécurité: guide du praticien" et ses principes clés. C’est autour de cet outil que seront axées les présentations et témoignages de différentes agences ayant travaillé au développement du guide.
أخبار John Goodwin on how Covid-19 will change education It took a global pandemic and stay-at-home orders for 1.5 billion people worldwide, but something is finally occurring to us: The future we thought we expected may not be the one we get. We know that things will change; how they’ll change is a mystery.
مدونة School Reopening: Sharing an experience from South China One school in China takes the INEE Minimum Standards and past health emergencies to strengthen socioemotional well-being of the entire school community through empathetic communication and coordination in the response to and recovery from the latest pandemic.
مدونة Reapertura escolar: una experiencia compartida desde el sur de China Una escuela en China usa las Normas Mínimas de la INEE y experiencias previas con emergencias sanitarias para fortalecer el bienestar socioemocional de toda la comunidad educativa a través de la comunicación empática y coordinación en la respuesta y recuperación de la última pandemia.
الموارد تقرير حول استجابة الدول العربية للاحتياجات التعليمية في جائحة كورونا إزاء هذا الواقع، وجدت الدول العربية نفسووها أمام خيارين ث ثالل لهما، إمّ ا التعليم عن بعد، أو ث تعليم. استمرارية العمليّة التعليميّة وإدارتها. وبعد انقضواء ثلاثة أشوهر من التعليم عن بعد، كان ث بدّ من تقييم هذه التجربة من مختلف جوانبها، والوقوف على أبرز التحدّ يات التي واجهتها، بالإضافة لوضع الحلول التي من شأنها تحسين عملية التعليم عن بعد وتجويد نواتجها.
الموارد Distance Learning in the Arab World: Report on the Response of Arab Countries to Educational Needs during the COVID-19 Pandemic Arab countries found themselves forced to choose between two options, either to use distance learning or don’t provide education at all. After three months of distance learning, it was necessary to evaluate this experience in its various aspects and identify the most critical challenges faced, in addition to providing solutions.
الموارد Guidance Notes on reopening schools in the context of COVID-19 for school administrators and principals in Latin America and the Caribbean These guidance notes contain a series of indications to support school administrators/directors in taking the necessary steps before and during the process of reopening schools; likewise, when schools remain open, it must be ensured that children are not at risk of contracting or spreading the virus and that their parents feel confident in sending their children to school.