مدونة Apprendre pour la Paix From 2012-2016, UNICEF and the Government of the Netherlands undertook a multi-year partnership entitled Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme (PBEA), also known as “Learning for Peace”. The objective of this program was to test how education can be leveraged to contribute to the mitigation of drivers of conflict in fragile and post-conflict countries.
مدونة Aprendizagem para a Paz Entre 2012 e 2016, a UNICEF e o Governo dos Países Baixos desenvolveram uma parceria plurianual intitulada Programa de Construção da Paz, Educação e Advocacy (designação original: “Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme (PBEA)”), também conhecida como Aprendizagem para a Paz ("Learning for Peace").
الموارد Learning for Peace: Lessons Learned from UNICEF’s Peacebuilding, Education, and Advocacy in Conflict-Affected Context Programme This chapter summarizes lessons learned from the implementation of “Learning for Peace” across 14 fragile and post-conflict countries. A theoretical framework for understanding education’s contributions to conflict and peace as well as a monitoring and evaluation framework for assessing its contributions toward social cohesion, will be introduced
حدث ECCN Closing Event: Looking Back and Forward Please join us to celebrate five years of community building, tool development and learning with the Education in Crisis and Conflict Network! Over the past five years, the USAID Education in Crisis and Conflict Network (ECCN) has been dedicated to increasing equitable access to education in some of the world’s most challenging contexts. The resulting community of practice has become a valued and worthy forum for knowledge sharing, content creation, and collaborative learning.
الموارد Local Governance and Sustaining Peace Guidance Note This note provides guidance to UNICEF country offices on programming for peacebuilding through local governance in fragile and conflict-affected settings. Its main objective is to inform the design and implementation of UNICEF peacebuilding interventions and to contribute to the overall effectiveness of UNICEF programming in fragile and conflict-affected contexts
أخبار Challenges for Venezuelan refugee students in Colombia The economic, political and social conflicts occurring in Venezuela have caused over three million Venezuelans to flee to countries across Latin America and beyond. This is the largest migrant crisis in the Western Hemisphere and it is worsening by the day.
الموارد Policy Document for Nigeria Ministry of Education, Education Boards, and Schools Schools have a position in society that could provide tools for students to move toward more positive intergroup relations and to shape their nation as desired. In this research, I present an analysis of how and whether schools in Nigeria, particularly unity schools (FUCs), achieve this.
الموارد مذكرة توجيهية: إعداد البرامج التعليمية الواعية بالمخاطر من أجل تحسين المرونة و القدرة على الصمود تهدف هذه المذكرة التوجيهية إلى مساعدة موظفي التعليم في اليونيسف على جميع المستويات - الذين يعملون في السياقات اإلنسانية، واالنتقالية، والتنموية - على تحليل المخاطر وتكييف سياسات وبرامج التعليم من أجل أخذ المخاطر في االعتبار، بحيث تكون مجموعات وأنظمة التعليم أكثرّ مرونة ويكون جميع األطفال والشباب ملتحقين بالمدرسة و محصلين للتعليم.
الموارد Risk-informed Education Programming for Resilience This Guidance Note aims to help UNICEF education staff at all levels, who are working in humanitarian, transition, and development contexts, analyze risk and adapt education policies and programs to take risk into account, so that education populations and systems are more resilient and all children and youth are in school and learning.