الموارد EiE Harmonized Training Module 18: Early Childhood Development At the end of this module participants will be able to describe the general concept of Early Childhood Development (ECD) in Emergencies, explain the rationale for ECD in Emergencies, describe some key components and challenges of ECD in Emergencies programming, and explain potential partnerships for ECD in Emergencies.
الموارد Little Ripples Curriculum Little Ripples Ponds is a cost-effective and replicable early childhood education program that trains and employs refugee women to provide culturally inspired home-based preschool education to improve the early development of refugee children.
الموارد Early Childhood Development in Emergencies Integrated Programme Guide The goal of the integrated programme guide for ECD in emergencies is to guide the humanitarian community in designing a response that takes into account the needs of young children.
الموارد Effects of Sesame Street: A meta-analysis of children's learning in 15 countries This meta-analysis examines the effects of children's exposure to international co-productions of Sesame Street, synthesizing the results of 24 studies, conducted with over 10,000 children in 15 countries.
الموارد Noteworthy Practices: Early Childhood Development in Emergencies Noteworthy Practices: Early Childhood Development in Emergencies presents practices of note from the Philippines, Kyrgyzstan, and Swaziland with examples from practitioners who have worked with young children and are now well placed to share lessons learned, challenges, and success stories with others working in disaster risk reduction and emergency planning and response.
الموارد Investing in the Youngest: early childhood care and development in emergencies The aim of this report is to increase the understanding of early childhood care and development (ECCD) in emergencies and the benefits of this type of programming for children, their communities and society.
الموارد Early childhood care and development in emergencies: a programme guide The overall aim of this guide is to promote consistent, high quality ECCD in emergencies programming.
الموارد Working with Preschool Children: e-Toolkit on Early Childhood This e-Toolkit has been developed as a result of two years working with preschool children in the Gaza Strip. It is meant to capture and disseminate the experience and lessons learnt by Terre des hommes Italia and the Palestinian Medical Relief Society in implementing activities in favour of young children, their parents and their caregivers (kindergarten directors and teachers)
الموارد Early Childhood Development and Peacebuilding Brief This resource is part of a collection of resources compiled by UNICEF’s 2012-2016 Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme (PBEA), known as “Learning for Peace”, which was funded by the Government of the Netherlands.
الموارد Actuar Pronto Para Construir Sociedades Más Sólidas y Pacíficas Este recurso es parte de una colección de recursos compilados por el Programa de Construcción de Paz, Educación y Defensa de la Paz (PBEA) 2012-2016 de UNICEF, conocido como "Aprendizaje para la Paz", que fue financiado por el Gobierno de los Países Bajos.