Noteworthy Practices: Early Childhood Development in Emergencies

Noteworthy Practices: Early Childhood Development in Emergencies is an initiative of the Consultative Group on Early Childhood Care and Development’s (CGECCD), Early Childhood in Emergencies Working Group (EEWG) and supported financially by UNICEF. The EEWG is co-convened by UNICEF and ChildFund International and includes more than 100 organizations and individuals working in early childhood, emergencies and other related fields. Noteworthy Practices: Early Childhood Development in Emergencies presents practices of note from the Philippines, Kyrgyzstan, and Swaziland with examples from practitioners who have worked with young children and are now well placed to share lessons learned, challenges, and success stories with others working in disaster risk reduction and emergency planning and response.

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United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)


Levels of Learning - Early Childhood Development